NAG Library Manual, Mark 28.7
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG FL Interface Introduction
Example description

 E05JCF Example Program Results
 Option "Local Searches Limit" has the value     40.
 Option "Infinite Bound Size" holds its default value.
 Option "Local Searches Tolerance" has the value   0.14901E-07.
 Option "Local Searches" has the value "ON".
 (OBJFUN was just called for the first time)
 *** Begin monitoring information ***
 Values controlling initial splitting of a box:
 In dimension     1
 Extent of initialization list in this dimension =    3
 Initialization points in this dimension:
 LIST(I,1:NUMPTS(I)) = -3.00000 -1.00000  3.00000
 Initial point in this dimension: LIST(I,    2)
 In dimension     2
 Extent of initialization list in this dimension =    3
 Initialization points in this dimension:
 LIST(I,1:NUMPTS(I)) = -3.00000  0.00000  3.00000
 Initial point in this dimension: LIST(I,    2)
 Total sub-boxes =  180
 Total function evaluations (rounded to nearest 10) =  190
 Total function evaluations used in local search (rounded
   to nearest 10) =  100
 Total points used in local search =    9
 Total sweeps through levels =    9
 Total splits by init. list =    5
 Lowest level with nonsplit boxes =    6
 Number of candidate minima in the "shopping basket" =    2
 Shopping basket:
 XBASKT(  1,:) =  0.22828 -1.34740
 XBASKT(  2,:) = -1.62553  0.20452
 Best point:
 XBEST =  0.22828 -1.62553
 *** End monitoring information ***
 Final objective value =   -6.55113
 Global optimum X =  0.22828 -1.62553