NAG Library Manual, Mark 28.7
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG FL Interface Introduction
Example description

 D02NHF Example Program Results
 Warning: Equation(=i1) and possibly other equations are
 implicit and in calculating the initial values the
 equations will be treated as implicit.
 In above message i1 =         1

  Initial    Y :      1.0000       0.0000       0.0000
  Initial YDOT :     -0.0400       0.0400       0.0000
 Warning: Equation(=i1) and possibly other equations are
 implicit and in calculating the initial values the
 equations will be treated as implicit.
 In above message i1 =         1

     X          Y(1)           Y(2)           Y(3)  
   10.000      0.84135        0.00002        0.15863

  HUSED =  0.91752E+00  HNEXT =  0.91752E+00  TCUR =  0.10885E+02
  NST =     51    NRE =    118    NJE =     14
  NQU =      4    NQ  =      4  NITER =     68
  Max err comp =    3