NAG Library Manual, Mark 28.3
Interfaces:  FL   CL   CPP   AD 

NAG AD Library Introduction
Example description

 D02PF_A1T1W_F Example Program Results

 Calculation with TOL =  1.0E-04

    t         y1        y2

  0.000     0.000     1.000
  0.785     0.707     0.707
  1.519     0.999     0.051
  2.282     0.757    -0.653
  2.911     0.229    -0.974
  3.706    -0.535    -0.845
  4.364    -0.940    -0.341
  5.320    -0.821     0.571
  5.802    -0.463     0.886
  6.283     0.000     1.000

 Cost of the integration in evaluations of F is   204

  Derivatives calculated: Second order, adjoints of tangents
  Computational mode    : algorithmic
  Sum of Hessian terms for y w.r.t system parameters :

  Sum{i,j,k} d^2y_k/druser(i)druser(j)  = -0.39480E+02