Example description
nag_opt_handle_solve_ipopt (e04stc) Example Program Results
   Status:                  Problem and option settings are editable.
   No of variables:         4
   Objective function:      nonlinear
   Simple bounds:           defined
   Linear constraints:      2
   Nonlinear constraints:   1
   Cone constraints:        not defined yet
   Matrix constraints:      not defined yet
 Option settings
 Begin of Options
     Print File                    =                  10     * U
     Print Level                   =                   2     * U
     Monitoring File               =                  11     * U
     Monitoring Level              =                   3     * U
     Infinite Bound Size           =         1.00000E+40     * U
     Task                          =            Minimize     * d
     Stats Time                    =                  No     * d
     Time Limit                    =         6.00000E+01     * U
     Verify Derivatives            =                  No     * d
     Hessian Mode                  =               Exact     * S
     Matrix Ordering               =                Auto     * d
     Outer Iteration Limit         =                  26     * U
     Stop Tolerance 1              =         2.50000E-08     * U
 End of Options
     x(         1)                 =        6.355216e-01
     x(         2)                 =        2.066279e-10
     x(         3)                 =        3.127019e-01
     x(         4)                 =        5.177655e-02
Variable bound Lagrange multipliers
     zL(         1)                =        3.916168e-09
     zU(         1)                =        0.000000e+00
     zL(         2)                =        2.433326e-01
     zU(         2)                =        0.000000e+00
     zL(         3)                =        7.974843e-09
     zU(         3)                =        0.000000e+00
     zL(         4)                =        4.944607e-08
     zU(         4)                =        0.000000e+00
Linear constraints Lagrange multipliers
     l+(         1)                =        5.803551e-01
     l-(         1)                =        0.000000e+00
     l+(         2)                =        1.837124e+01
     l-(         2)                =        0.000000e+00
Nonlinear constraints Lagrange multipliers
     l+(         1)                =        4.105411e-01
     l-(         1)                =        0.000000e+00

At solution, Objective minimum     =       2.9894378e+01
             Constraint violation  =            1.11e-16
             Dual infeasibility    =            6.72e-12
             Complementarity       =            2.56e-09
             KKT error             =            2.56e-09
Solved in allotted time limit
    after iterations                        :          8
    after objective evaluations             :          9
    after objective gradient evaluations    :          9
    after constraint evaluations            :          9
    after constraint gradient evaluations   :          9
    after hessian evaluations               :          8
   Status:                  Solver finished, only options can be changed.
   No of variables:         4
   Objective function:      nonlinear
   Simple bounds:           defined
   Linear constraints:      2
   Nonlinear constraints:   1
   Cone constraints:        not defined
   Matrix constraints:      not defined
   Status:                  Problem and option settings are editable.
   No of variables:         4
   Objective function:      linear
   Simple bounds:           defined
   Linear constraints:      2
   Nonlinear constraints:   1
   Cone constraints:        not defined yet
   Matrix constraints:      not defined yet
 Option settings
 Begin of Options
     Print File                    =                  10     * U
     Print Level                   =                   2     * U
     Monitoring File               =                  11     * U
     Monitoring Level              =                   3     * U
     Infinite Bound Size           =         1.00000E+40     * U
     Task                          =            Minimize     * d
     Stats Time                    =                  No     * d
     Time Limit                    =         6.00000E+01     * U
     Verify Derivatives            =                  No     * d
     Hessian Mode                  =               Exact     * S
     Matrix Ordering               =                Auto     * d
     Outer Iteration Limit         =                  26     * U
     Stop Tolerance 1              =         2.50000E-08     * U
 End of Options
     x(         1)                 =        6.355216e-01
     x(         2)                 =        2.066279e-10
     x(         3)                 =        3.127019e-01
     x(         4)                 =        5.177655e-02
Variable bound Lagrange multipliers
     zL(         1)                =        3.916168e-09
     zU(         1)                =        0.000000e+00
     zL(         2)                =        2.433326e-01
     zU(         2)                =        0.000000e+00
     zL(         3)                =        7.974843e-09
     zU(         3)                =        0.000000e+00
     zL(         4)                =        4.944607e-08
     zU(         4)                =        0.000000e+00
Linear constraints Lagrange multipliers
     l+(         1)                =        5.803551e-01
     l-(         1)                =        0.000000e+00
     l+(         2)                =        1.837124e+01
     l-(         2)                =        0.000000e+00
Nonlinear constraints Lagrange multipliers
     l+(         1)                =        4.105411e-01
     l-(         1)                =        0.000000e+00

At solution, Objective minimum     =       2.9894378e+01
             Constraint violation  =            1.11e-16
             Dual infeasibility    =            6.72e-12
             Complementarity       =            2.56e-09
             KKT error             =            2.56e-09
Solved in allotted time limit
    after iterations                        :          8
    after objective evaluations             :          9
    after objective gradient evaluations    :          9
    after constraint evaluations            :          9
    after constraint gradient evaluations   :          9
    after hessian evaluations               :          8
   Status:                  Solver finished, only options can be changed.
   No of variables:         4
   Objective function:      linear
   Simple bounds:           defined
   Linear constraints:      2
   Nonlinear constraints:   1
   Cone constraints:        not defined
   Matrix constraints:      not defined