Program f08yufe
! F08YUF Example Program Text
! Mark 27.2 Release. NAG Copyright 2021.
! .. Use Statements ..
Use nag_library, Only: nag_wp, x04dbf, ztgsen
! .. Implicit None Statement ..
Implicit None
! .. Parameters ..
Integer, Parameter :: nin = 5, nout = 6
! .. Local Scalars ..
Real (Kind=nag_wp) :: pl, pr
Integer :: i, ifail, ijob, info, lda, ldb, ldq, &
ldz, liwork, lwork, m, n
Logical :: wantq, wantz
! .. Local Arrays ..
Complex (Kind=nag_wp), Allocatable :: a(:,:), alpha(:), b(:,:), beta(:), &
q(:,:), work(:), z(:,:)
Real (Kind=nag_wp) :: dif(2)
Integer, Allocatable :: iwork(:)
Logical, Allocatable :: select(:)
Character (1) :: clabs(1), rlabs(1)
! .. Executable Statements ..
Write (nout,*) 'F08YUF Example Program Results'
Write (nout,*)
Flush (nout)
! Skip heading in data file
Read (nin,*)
Read (nin,*) n
lda = n
ldb = n
ldq = n
ldz = n
liwork = (n*n)/2 + 2
lwork = n*n
Allocate (a(lda,n),alpha(n),b(ldb,n),beta(n),q(ldq,n),work(lwork), &
! Read A, B, Q, Z and the logical array SELECT from data file
Read (nin,*)(a(i,1:n),i=1,n)
Read (nin,*)(b(i,1:n),i=1,n)
Read (nin,*)(q(i,1:n),i=1,n)
Read (nin,*)(z(i,1:n),i=1,n)
Read (nin,*) select(1:n)
! Set ijob, wantq and wantz
ijob = 4
wantq = .True.
wantz = .True.
! Reorder the Schur factors A and B and update the matrices
! Q and Z
! The NAG name equivalent of ztgsen is f08yuf
Call ztgsen(ijob,wantq,wantz,select,n,a,lda,b,ldb,alpha,beta,q,ldq,z, &
If (info/=0) Then
Write (nout,99999) info
Write (nout,*)
Flush (nout)
End If
! Print reordered generalized Schur form
! ifail: behaviour on error exit
! =0 for hard exit, =1 for quiet-soft, =-1 for noisy-soft
ifail = 0
Call x04dbf('General',' ',n,n,a,lda,'Bracketed','F7.4', &
'Reordered Schur matrix A','Integer',rlabs,'Integer',clabs,80,0,ifail)
Write (nout,*)
Flush (nout)
ifail = 0
Call x04dbf('General',' ',n,n,b,ldb,'Bracketed','F7.4', &
'Reordered Schur matrix B','Integer',rlabs,'Integer',clabs,80,0,ifail)
! Print deflating subspaces
Write (nout,*)
Flush (nout)
ifail = 0
Call x04dbf('General',' ',n,m,q,ldq,'Bracketed','F7.4', &
'Basis of left deflating invariant subspace','Integer',rlabs, &
Write (nout,*)
Flush (nout)
ifail = 0
Call x04dbf('General',' ',n,m,z,ldz,'Bracketed','F7.4', &
'Basis of right deflating invariant subspace','Integer',rlabs, &
! Print norm estimates and F-norm upper bounds
Write (nout,*)
Write (nout,99998) 'Norm estimate of projection onto', &
' left eigenspace for selected cluster', 1.0E0_nag_wp/pl
Write (nout,*)
Write (nout,99998) 'Norm estimate of projection onto', &
' right eigenspace for selected cluster', 1.0E0_nag_wp/pr
Write (nout,*)
Write (nout,99998) 'F-norm based upper bound on', ' Difu', dif(1)
Write (nout,*)
Write (nout,99998) 'F-norm based upper bound on', ' Difl', dif(2)
99999 Format (' Reordering could not be completed. INFO = ',I3)
99998 Format (1X,2A,/,1X,1P,E10.2)
End Program f08yufe