This manual relates to an old release of the Library.
The documentation for the current release is also available on this site.
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NAG FL Interface
Thread Unsafe Routines

Most routines in the NAG Library are thread safe, however there are some routines that are not thread safe as they use global variables (such as module variables, common blocks or variables with the SAVE attribute). See Section 1 in FL Interface Multithreading for further information.
Routine Name Description
d02gaf nagf_ode_bvp_fd_nonlin_fixedbc
Ordinary differential equations, boundary value problem, finite difference technique with deferred correction, simple nonlinear problem
d02gbf nagf_ode_bvp_fd_lin_gen
Ordinary differential equations, boundary value problem, finite difference technique with deferred correction, general linear problem
d02haf nagf_ode_bvp_shoot_bval
Ordinary differential equations, boundary value problem, shooting and matching, boundary values to be determined
d02hbf nagf_ode_bvp_shoot_genpar
Ordinary differential equations, boundary value problem, shooting and matching, general parameters to be determined
d02jaf nagf_ode_bvp_coll_nth
Ordinary differential equations, boundary value problem, collocation and least squares, single nth-order linear equation
d02jbf nagf_ode_bvp_coll_sys
Ordinary differential equations, boundary value problem, collocation and least squares, system of first-order linear equations
d02laf nagf_ode_ivp_2nd_rkn
Second-order ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, Runge–Kutta–Nystrom method
d02lxf nagf_ode_ivp_2nd_rkn_setup
Second-order ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, setup for d02laf
d02lyf nagf_ode_ivp_2nd_rkn_diag
Second-order ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, diagnostics for d02laf
d02lzf nagf_ode_ivp_2nd_rkn_interp
Second-order ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, interpolation for d02laf
d02mzf nagf_ode_ivp_stiff_interp
Ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, interpolation for d02m–n routines (all integration methods), natural interpolant
d02nbf nagf_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_fulljac
Explicit ordinary differential equations, stiff initial value problem, full Jacobian (comprehensive)
d02ncf nagf_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_bandjac
Explicit ordinary differential equations, stiff initial value problem, banded Jacobian (comprehensive)
d02ndf nagf_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_sparjac
Explicit ordinary differential equations, stiff initial value problem, sparse Jacobian (comprehensive)
d02ngf nagf_ode_ivp_stiff_imp_fulljac
Implicit/algebraic ordinary differential equations, stiff initial value problem, full Jacobian (comprehensive)
d02nhf nagf_ode_ivp_stiff_imp_bandjac
Implicit/algebraic ordinary differential equations, stiff initial value problem, banded Jacobian (comprehensive)
d02njf nagf_ode_ivp_stiff_imp_sparjac
Implicit/algebraic ordinary differential equations, stiff initial value problem, sparse Jacobian (comprehensive)
d02nmf nagf_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_revcom
Explicit ordinary differential equations, stiff initial value problem (reverse communication, comprehensive)
d02nnf nagf_ode_ivp_stiff_imp_revcom
Implicit/algebraic ordinary differential equations, stiff initial value problem (reverse communication, comprehensive)
d02nsf nagf_ode_ivp_stiff_fulljac_setup
Ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, for use with d02m–n routines, full Jacobian, linear algebra set up
d02ntf nagf_ode_ivp_stiff_bandjac_setup
Ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, for use with d02m–n routines, banded Jacobian, linear algebra set up
d02nuf nagf_ode_ivp_stiff_sparjac_setup
Ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, for use with d02m–n routines, sparse Jacobian, linear algebra set up
d02qff nagf_ode_ivp_adams_roots
Ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, Adams' method with root-finding (direct communication, comprehensive)
d02qgf nagf_ode_ivp_adams_roots_revcom
Ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, Adams' method with root-finding (reverse communication, comprehensive)
d02qwf nagf_ode_ivp_adams_setup
Ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, setup for d02qff and d02qgf
d02qxf nagf_ode_ivp_adams_diag
Ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, diagnostics for d02qff and d02qgf
d02qyf nagf_ode_ivp_adams_rootdiag
Ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, root-finding diagnostics for d02qff and d02qgf
d02qzf nagf_ode_ivp_adams_interp
Ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, interpolation for d02qff or d02qgf
d02raf nagf_ode_bvp_fd_nonlin_gen
Ordinary differential equations, general nonlinear boundary value problem, finite difference technique with deferred correction, continuation facility
d02saf nagf_ode_bvp_shoot_genpar_algeq
Ordinary differential equations, boundary value problem, shooting and matching technique, subject to extra algebraic equations, general parameters to be determined
d02xkf nagf_ode_ivp_stiff_c1_interp
Ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, interpolation for d02m–n routines, C1 interpolant
d02zaf nagf_ode_ivp_stiff_errest
Ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, weighted norm of local error estimate for d02m–n routines
d03pef nagf_pde_1d_parab_keller
General system of first-order PDEs, method of lines, Keller box discretization, one space variable
d03pff nagf_pde_1d_parab_convdiff
General system of convection-diffusion PDEs with source terms in conservative form, method of lines, upwind scheme using numerical flux function based on Riemann solver, one space variable
d03pkf nagf_pde_1d_parab_dae_keller
General system of first-order PDEs, coupled DAEs, method of lines, Keller box discretization, one space variable
d03plf nagf_pde_1d_parab_convdiff_dae
General system of convection-diffusion PDEs with source terms in conservative form, coupled DAEs, method of lines, upwind scheme using numerical flux function based on Riemann solver, one space variable
d03prf nagf_pde_1d_parab_remesh_keller
General system of first-order PDEs, coupled DAEs, method of lines, Keller box discretization, remeshing, one space variable
d03psf nagf_pde_1d_parab_convdiff_remesh
General system of convection-diffusion PDEs, coupled DAEs, method of lines, upwind scheme, remeshing, one space variable
d03puf nagf_pde_1d_parab_euler_roe
Roe's approximate Riemann solver for Euler equations in conservative form, for use with d03pff, d03plf and d03psf
d03pvf nagf_pde_1d_parab_euler_osher
Osher's approximate Riemann solver for Euler equations in conservative form, for use with d03pff, d03plf and d03psf
d03pwf nagf_pde_1d_parab_euler_hll
Modified HLL Riemann solver for Euler equations in conservative form, for use with d03pff, d03plf and d03psf
d03pxf nagf_pde_1d_parab_euler_exact
Exact Riemann solver for Euler equations in conservative form, for use with d03pff, d03plf and d03psf
d03raf nagf_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectangle
General system of second-order PDEs, method of lines, finite differences, remeshing, two space variables, rectangular region
d03rbf nagf_pde_2d_gen_order2_rectilinear
General system of second-order PDEs, method of lines, finite differences, remeshing, two space variables, rectilinear region
e01sbf nagf_interp_2d_scat_eval
Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by e01saf, two variables
g08eaf nagf_nonpar_randtest_runs
Performs the runs up or runs down test for randomness
g08ebf nagf_nonpar_randtest_pairs
Performs the pairs (serial) test for randomness
g08ecf nagf_nonpar_randtest_triplets
Performs the triplets test for randomness
g08edf nagf_nonpar_randtest_gaps
Performs the gaps test for randomness
h02bbf nagf_mip_ilp_dense
Integer LP problem (dense)
h02bff nagf_mip_ilp_mpsx
Interpret MPSX data file defining IP or LP problem, optimize and print solution
h02bvf nagf_mip_ilp_print
Print IP or LP solutions with user-specified names for rows and columns
h02cbf nagf_mip_iqp_dense
Integer QP problem (dense)
h02ccf nagf_mip_iqp_dense_optfile
Read optional parameter values for h02cbf from external file
h02cdf nagf_mip_iqp_dense_optstr
Supply optional parameter values to h02cbf
h02cef nagf_mip_iqp_sparse
Integer LP or QP problem (sparse), using e04nkf/​e04nka
h02cff nagf_mip_iqp_sparse_optfile
Read optional parameter values for h02cef from external file
h02cgf nagf_mip_iqp_sparse_optstr
Supply optional parameter values to h02cef
x04aaf nagf_file_set_unit_error
Return or set unit number for error messages
x04abf nagf_file_set_unit_advisory
Return or set unit number for advisory messages