This manual relates to an old release of the Library.
The documentation for the current release is also available on this site.
Example description
F11GDF Example Program Data
  7                      N
 16                      NNZ
  'CG'                   METHOD
  'P'  'S'  '1'  'N'  1  PRECON, SIGCMP, NORM, WEIGHT, ITERM
  1.0D-6   20            TOL, MAXITN
  2                      MONIT
  0  0.0                 LFILL, DTOL
  'N'  0.0               MIC, DSCALE
  'M'                    PSTRAT
  4.   1    1
  1.   2    1
  5.   2    2
  2.   3    3
  2.   4    2
  3.   4    4
 -1.   5    1
  1.   5    4
  4.   5    5
  1.   6    2
 -2.   6    5
  3.   6    6
  2.   7    1
 -1.   7    2
 -2.   7    3
  5.   7    7         A(I), IROW(I), ICOL(I), I=1,...,NNZ
 15.  18.  -8.  21.
 11.  10.  29.        B(I), I=1,...,N
  0.   0.   0.   0.
  0.   0.   0.        X(I), I=1,...,N