This manual relates to an old release of the Library.
The documentation for the current release is also available on this site.
Example description
 E04UHF Example Program Results
 Calls to e04uj
       Verify Level = -1
       Major Iteration Limit = 25
       Infinite Bound Size = 1.0D+25
      Begin * Example options file for E04UHF
         Check Frequency = 25   * (Default = 60 )
         Crash Tolerance = 0.05 * (Default = 0.1)
 *** e04ug
 Check frequency.........        25       Expand frequency.......     10000
 Factorization frequency.       100
 QP subproblems.
 Scale tolerance.........  9.00E-01       Minor feasibility tol..  1.05E-08
 Scale option............         2       Minor optimality tol...  1.05E-08
 Partial price...........        10       Crash tolerance........  5.00E-02
 Pivot tolerance.........  2.04E-11       Minor print level......         0
 Crash option............         3       Elastic weight.........  1.00E+00
 The SQP method.
 Nonlinear objective vars         5       Major optimality tol...  1.05E-08
 Function precision......  1.72E-13       Unbounded step size....  1.00E+20
 Superbasics limit.......         5       Forward difference int.  4.15E-07
 Unbounded objective.....  1.00E+15       Central difference int.  5.56E-05
 Major step limit........  2.00E+00       Derivative linesearch..
 Derivative level........         3       Major iteration limit..        25
 Linesearch tolerance....  9.00E-01       Verify level...........        -1
 Minor iteration limit...       500       Major print level......        10
 Infinite bound size.....  1.00E+25       Iteration limit........     10000
 Hessian approximation.
 Hessian full memory.....                 Hessian updates........  99999999
 Hessian frequency.......  99999999
 Nonlinear constraints.
 Nonlinear constraints...         0       Nonlinear Jacobian vars         0
 Variables...............         5       Linear constraints.....         1
 Nonlinear variables.....         5       Linear variables.......         0
 LU factor tolerance.....  1.00E+02       LU singularity tol.....  2.04E-11
 LU update tolerance.....  1.00E+01       LU density tolerance...  6.00E-01
 eps (machine precision).  1.11E-16       Monitoring file........        -1
 COLD start..............                 Infeasible exit........
 Workspace provided is                 IZ(    1132),  Z(    1340).
 To start solving the problem we need  IZ(     566),  Z(     670).
 Itn      0 -- Partial price reduced from               10 to                1.
 Itn      0 -- Feasible linear rows.
 Itn      0 -- Norm(x-x0) minimized. Sum of infeasibilities = 0.00E+00.
 objfun  sets       5   out of       5   objective  gradients.
  Maj  Mnr    Step      Objective Optimal Cond Hz PD
    0    3 0.0E+00   1.866667E+00 3.3E-02 1.0E+00 TF  R
    1    2 1.5E+01   1.550000E+00 7.5E-02 1.0E+00 TF n
    2    2 6.7E+00   1.200000E+00 1.0E-01 1.0E+00 TF n
    3    1 5.0E+00   1.000000E+00 0.0E+00 1.0E+00 TT n
 Exit from NP problem after     3 major iterations,
                                8 minor iterations.
 Variable State     Value       Lower Bound  Upper Bound   Lagr Mult  Residual
 Varble 1    UL    1.00000           .        1.0000      -1.000         .
 Varble 2    UL    2.00000           .        2.0000     -0.5000         .
 Varble 3    UL    3.00000           .        3.0000     -0.3333         .
 Varble 4    UL    4.00000           .        4.0000     -0.2500         .
 Varble 5    UL    5.00000           .        5.0000     -0.2000         .
 Constrnt State     Value       Lower Bound  Upper Bound   Lagr Mult  Residual
 DummyRow    BS    0.00000          None         None     -1.000         .
 Exit e04ug  - Optimal solution found.
 Final objective value =     1.000000