This manual relates to an old release of the Library.
The documentation for the current release is also available on this site.
Example description
 E04NDF Example Program Results
 Calls to e04ne
       Problem Type = QP2
      Begin   Example options file for  E04NDF
         Iteration Limit   =  30      *  (Default =  90)
 *** e04nc
 Problem type...........       QP2       Hessian................        NO
 Linear constraints.....         3       Feasibility tolerance..  1.05E-08
 Variables..............         9       Crash tolerance........  1.00E-02
 Objective matrix rows..         9       Rank tolerance.........  1.05E-07
 Infinite bound size....  1.00E+20       COLD start.............
 Infinite step size.....  1.00E+20       EPS (machine precision)  1.11E-16
 Print level............        10       Feasibility phase itns.        60
 Monitoring file........        -1       Optimality  phase itns.        30
 Workspace provided is     IWORK(       9),  WORK(     270).
 To solve problem we need  IWORK(       9),  WORK(     270).
 Rank of the objective function data matrix =     5
 Itn     Step Ninf Sinf/Objective  Norm Gz
   0  0.0E+00    0   0.000000E+00  4.5E+00
   1  7.5E-01    0  -4.375000E+00  5.0E-01
   2  1.0E+00    0  -4.400000E+00  2.8E-17
   3  3.0E-01    0  -4.700000E+00  8.9E-01
   4  1.0E+00    0  -5.100000E+00  2.4E-17
   5  5.4E-01    0  -6.055714E+00  1.7E+00
   6  1.1E-02    0  -6.113326E+00  1.6E+00
   7  1.1E-01    0  -6.215049E+00  1.2E+00
   8  1.0E+00    0  -6.538008E+00  1.8E-17
   9  6.5E-01    0  -7.428704E+00  7.2E-02
  10  1.0E+00    0  -7.429717E+00  1.8E-17
  11  1.0E+00    0  -8.067718E+00  1.8E-17
  12  1.0E+00    0  -8.067778E+00  1.8E-17
 Exit from QP problem after    12 iterations.
 Varbl State     Value       Lower Bound   Upper Bound    Lagr Mult   Slack
 V   1    UL    2.00000      -2.00000       2.00000     -0.8000         .
 V   2    FR  -0.233333      -2.00000       2.00000           .       1.767
 V   3    FR  -0.266667      -2.00000       2.00000           .       1.733
 V   4    FR  -0.300000      -2.00000       2.00000           .       1.700
 V   5    FR  -0.100000      -2.00000       2.00000           .       1.900
 V   6    UL    2.00000      -2.00000       2.00000     -0.9000         .
 V   7    UL    2.00000      -2.00000       2.00000     -0.9000         .
 V   8    FR   -1.77778      -2.00000       2.00000           .      0.2222
 V   9    FR  -0.455556      -2.00000       2.00000           .       1.544
 L Con State     Value       Lower Bound   Upper Bound    Lagr Mult   Slack
 L   1    UL    1.50000      -2.00000       1.50000     -6.6667E-02  1.1102E-15
 L   2    UL    1.50000      -2.00000       1.50000     -3.3333E-02 -4.4409E-16
 L   3    FR    3.93333      -2.00000       4.00000           .      6.6667E-02
 Exit e04nc  - Optimal QP solution.
 Final QP objective value =   -8.067778