Function Name |
Purpose |
d01tdc | Calculation of weights and abscissae for Gaussian quadrature rules, method of Golub and Welsch |
d01tec | Generates recursion coefficients needed by nag_quad_1d_gauss_wrec (d01tdc) to calculate a Gaussian quadrature rule |
d01ubc | Non-automatic function to evaluate |
d02pgc | Ordinary differential equations, initial value problem, Runge–Kutta method, integration by reverse communication |
d02phc | Set up interpolant by reverse communication for solution and derivative evaluations at points within the range of the last integration step taken by nag_ode_ivp_rk_step_revcomm (d02pgc) |
d02pjc | Evaluate interpolant, set up using nag_ode_ivp_rkts_setup (d02pqc), to approximate solution and/or solution derivatives at a point within the range of the last integration step taken by nag_ode_ivp_rk_step_revcomm (d02pgc) |
e04mwc | Write MPS data file defining LP, QP, MILP or MIQP problem |
e04rac | Initialization of a handle for the NAG optimization modelling suite for problems, such as, quadratic programming (QP), nonlinear programming (NLP), linear semidefinite programming (SDP) or SDP with bilinear matrix inequalities (BMI-SDP) |
e04rdc | A reader of sparse SDPA data files for linear SDP problems |
e04rec | Define a linear objective function to a problem initialized by nag_opt_handle_init (e04rac) |
e04rfc | Define a linear or a quadratic objective function to a problem initialized by nag_opt_handle_init (e04rac) |
e04rgc | Define a nonlinear objective function to a problem initialized by nag_opt_handle_init (e04rac) |
e04rhc | Define bounds of variables of a problem initialized by nag_opt_handle_init (e04rac) |
e04rjc | Define a block of linear constraints to a problem initialized by nag_opt_handle_init (e04rac) |
e04rkc | Define a block of nonlinear constraints to a problem initialized by nag_opt_handle_init (e04rac) |
e04rlc | Define a structure of Hessian of the objective, constraints or the Lagrangian to a problem initialized by nag_opt_handle_init (e04rac) |
e04rnc | Add one or more linear matrix inequality constraints to a problem initialized by nag_opt_handle_init (e04rac) |
e04rpc | Define bilinear matrix terms to a problem initialized by nag_opt_handle_init (e04rac) |
e04ryc | Print information about a problem handle initialized by nag_opt_handle_init (e04rac) |
e04rzc | Destroy the problem handle initialized by nag_opt_handle_init (e04rac) and deallocate all the memory used |
e04stc | Run an interior point solver on a sparse nonlinear programming problem (NLP) initialized by nag_opt_handle_init (e04rac) and defined by other functions from the suite |
e04svc | Run the Pennon solver on a compatible problem initialized by nag_opt_handle_init (e04rac) and defined by other functions from the suite, such as, semidefinite programming (SDP) and SDP with bilinear matrix inequalities (BMI) |
e04zmc | Option setting routine for the solvers from the NAG optimization modelling suite |
e04znc | Option getting routine for the solvers from the NAG optimization modelling suite |
e04zpc | Option setting routine for the solvers from the NAG optimization modelling suite from external file |
f08vcc | Computes, using BLAS-3, the generalized singular value decomposition of a real matrix pair |
f08vgc | Produces orthogonal matrices, using BLAS-3, that simultaneously reduce the by matrix and the by matrix to upper triangular form |
f08vqc | Computes, using BLAS-3, the generalized singular value decomposition of a complex matrix pair |
f08vuc | Produces unitary matrices, using BLAS-3, that simultaneously reduce the complex, by , matrix and the complex, by , matrix to upper triangular form |
f08wcc | Computes, for a real nonsymmetric matrix pair, using BLAS-3, the generalized eigenvalues, and optionally, the left and/or right generalized eigenvectors |
f08wfc | Performs, using BLAS-3, an orthogonal reduction of a pair of real general matrices to generalized upper Hessenberg form |
f08wqc | Computes, for a complex nonsymmetric matrix pair, using BLAS-3, the generalized eigenvalues, and optionally, the left and/or right generalized eigenvectors |
f08wtc | Performs, using BLAS-3, a unitary reduction of a pair of complex general matrices to generalized upper Hessenberg form |
f08xcc | Computes, for a real nonsymmetric matrix pair, using BLAS-3, the generalized eigenvalues, the generalized real Schur form and, optionally, the left and/or right matrices of Schur vectors |
f08xqc | Computes, for a complex nonsymmetric matrix pair, using BLAS-3, the generalized eigenvalues, the generalized complex Schur form and, optionally, the left and/or right matrices of Schur vectors |
g02apc | Computes a correlation matrix from an approximate one using a specified target matrix |
x06xac | Tests whether a threaded NAG Library is being used |
Functions Scheduled for Withdrawal |
Replacement Function(s) |
d01tac | nag_quad_1d_gauss_vec (d01uac) |