! D06CCF Example Program Text
! Mark 26.1 Release. NAG Copyright 2017.
Module d06ccfe_mod
! D06CCF Example Program Module:
! Parameters and User-defined Routines
! .. Use Statements ..
Use nag_library, Only: nag_wp, x01aaf
! .. Implicit None Statement ..
Implicit None
! .. Accessibility Statements ..
Public :: create_mesh
! .. Parameters ..
Integer, Parameter, Public :: matout = 7, nout = 6, nvb1 = 40, &
nvb2 = 30, nvb3 = 30, nvmax = 260
Integer, Parameter, Public :: nvb = nvb1 + nvb2 + nvb3
Integer, Parameter, Public :: nedge = nvb
Logical, Parameter, Public :: pmesh = .False.
Subroutine create_mesh(edge,coor,nv,nelt,conn)
! .. Use Statements ..
Use nag_library, Only: d06aaf
! .. Scalar Arguments ..
Integer, Intent (Out) :: nelt, nv
! .. Array Arguments ..
Real (Kind=nag_wp), Intent (Out) :: coor(2,nvmax)
Integer, Intent (Out) :: conn(3,2*nvmax-2), edge(3,nedge)
! .. Local Scalars ..
Real (Kind=nag_wp) :: coef, pi2, power, r, theta, theta_i, &
x0, y0
Integer :: i, ifail, itrace, liwork, lrwork
Logical :: smooth
! .. Local Arrays ..
Real (Kind=nag_wp), Allocatable :: bspace(:), rwork(:)
Integer, Allocatable :: iwork(:)
! .. Intrinsic Procedures ..
Intrinsic :: cos, max, real, sin
! .. Executable Statements ..
lrwork = nvmax
liwork = 16*nvmax + 2*nedge + max(4*nvmax+2,nedge-14)
Allocate (bspace(nvb),rwork(lrwork),iwork(liwork))
! Outer circle
pi2 = 2.0_nag_wp*x01aaf(theta)
theta = pi2/real(nvb1,kind=nag_wp)
r = 1.0_nag_wp
x0 = 0.0_nag_wp
y0 = 0.0_nag_wp
Do i = 1, nvb1
theta_i = theta*real(i,kind=nag_wp)
coor(1,i) = x0 + r*cos(theta_i)
coor(2,i) = y0 + r*sin(theta_i)
End Do
! Larger inner circle
theta = pi2/real(nvb2,kind=nag_wp)
r = 0.49_nag_wp
x0 = -0.5_nag_wp
y0 = 0.0_nag_wp
Do i = 1, nvb2
theta_i = theta*real(i,kind=nag_wp)
coor(1,nvb1+i) = x0 + r*cos(theta_i)
coor(2,nvb1+i) = y0 + r*sin(theta_i)
End Do
! Smaller inner circle
theta = pi2/real(nvb3,kind=nag_wp)
r = 0.15_nag_wp
x0 = -0.5_nag_wp
y0 = 0.65_nag_wp
Do i = 1, nvb3
theta_i = theta*real(i,kind=nag_wp)
coor(1,nvb1+nvb2+i) = x0 + r*cos(theta_i)
coor(2,nvb1+nvb2+i) = y0 + r*sin(theta_i)
End Do
! Boundary edges
Do i = 1, nedge
edge(1,i) = i
edge(2,i) = i + 1
edge(3,i) = 1
End Do
edge(2,nvb1) = 1
edge(2,nvb1+nvb2) = nvb1 + 1
edge(2,nvb) = nvb1 + nvb2 + 1
! Initialize mesh control parameters
bspace(1:nvb) = 0.05E0_nag_wp
smooth = .True.
itrace = 0
coef = 0.75E0_nag_wp
power = 0.25E0_nag_wp
! Call to the mesh generator
ifail = 0
Call d06aaf(nvb,nvmax,nedge,edge,nv,nelt,coor,conn,bspace,smooth,coef, &
Deallocate (bspace,rwork,iwork)
End Subroutine create_mesh
End Module d06ccfe_mod
Program d06ccfe
! D06CCF Example Main Program
! .. Use Statements ..
Use d06ccfe_mod, Only: create_mesh, matout, nedge, nout, nvmax, pmesh
Use nag_library, Only: d06cbf, d06ccf, nag_wp
! .. Implicit None Statement ..
Implicit None
! .. Local Scalars ..
Integer :: i, ifail, itrace, liwork, lrwork, &
nelt, nnz, nnzmax, nv
! .. Local Arrays ..
Real (Kind=nag_wp), Allocatable :: coor(:,:), rwork(:)
Integer, Allocatable :: conn(:,:), edge(:,:), icol(:), &
irow(:), iwork(:)
! .. Intrinsic Procedures ..
Intrinsic :: max
! .. Executable Statements ..
Write (nout,*) 'D06CCF Example Program Results'
Flush (nout)
! Allocate arrays defining mesh
Allocate (conn(3,2*nvmax-2),edge(3,nedge),coor(2,nvmax))
! Define boundary mesh and Generate interior mesh
Call create_mesh(edge,coor,nv,nelt,conn)
nnzmax = nv**2
liwork = max(nnzmax,20*nv)
lrwork = nv
Allocate (irow(nnzmax),icol(nnzmax),iwork(liwork),rwork(lrwork))
! Compute the sparsity of the FE matrix
! from the input geometry
ifail = 0
Call d06cbf(nv,nelt,nnzmax,conn,nnz,irow,icol,ifail)
Write (nout,*)
If (pmesh) Then
! Output the sparsity of the mesh
Write (matout,99998)(irow(i),icol(i),i=1,nnz)
Write (nout,*) 'Matrix Sparsity characteristics before renumbering'
Write (nout,99999) 'nv =', nv
Write (nout,99999) 'nnz =', nnz
Write (nout,99999) 'nelt =', nelt
End If
Flush (nout)
! Call the renumbering routine and get the new sparsity
itrace = 1
ifail = 0
Call d06ccf(nv,nelt,nedge,nnzmax,nnz,coor,edge,conn,irow,icol,itrace, &
If (pmesh) Then
! Output the sparsity of the renumbered mesh
Write (matout,*)
Write (matout,*)
Write (matout,99998)(irow(i),icol(i),i=1,nnz)
! Output the renumbered mesh
Write (nout,99998) nv, nelt
Write (nout,99997)(coor(1:2,i),i=1,nv)
Write (nout,99996)(conn(1:3,i),i=1,nelt)
Write (nout,*)
Write (nout,*) 'Matrix Sparsity characteristics after renumbering'
Write (nout,99999) 'nv =', nv
Write (nout,99999) 'nnz =', nnz
Write (nout,99999) 'nelt =', nelt
End If
99999 Format (1X,A,I6)
99998 Format (1X,2I10)
99997 Format (2(2X,E13.6))
99996 Format (1X,3I10)
End Program d06ccfe