! D02PGF Example Program Text
! Mark 26.1 Release. NAG Copyright 2017.
Module d02pgfe_mod
! D02PGF Example Program Module:
! Parameters
! .. Use Statements ..
Use nag_library, Only: nag_wp
! .. Implicit None Statement ..
Implicit None
! .. Accessibility Statements ..
! .. Parameters ..
Real (Kind=nag_wp), Parameter, Public :: tol = 1.0E-5_nag_wp
Integer, Parameter, Public :: liwsav = 130, n = 2, nin = 5, &
nout = 6
Integer, Parameter, Public :: lrwsav = 350 + 32*n
Integer, Parameter, Public :: lwcomm = 6*n
End Module d02pgfe_mod
Program d02pgfe
! D02PGF Example Main Program
! .. Use Statements ..
Use d02pgfe_mod, Only: liwsav, lrwsav, lwcomm, n, nin, nout, tol
Use nag_library, Only: c05azf, d02pgf, d02phf, d02pjf, d02pqf, d02ptf, &
! .. Implicit None Statement ..
Implicit None
! .. Local Scalars ..
Real (Kind=nag_wp) :: hnext, hstart, t, t1, t2, tend, &
tnow, tout, tprev, waste
Integer :: i, icheck, ifail, ind, irevcm, j, &
method, nchange, stpcst, stpsok, &
! .. Local Arrays ..
Real (Kind=nag_wp) :: c(17)
Real (Kind=nag_wp), Allocatable :: rwsav(:), thres(:), troot(:), &
wcomm(:), y(:), ynow(:), yout(:), &
yp(:), ypnow(:), yprev(:)
Integer, Allocatable :: iroot(:), iwsav(:)
! .. Executable Statements ..
Write (nout,*) 'D02PGF Example Program Results'
! Skip heading in data file
Read (nin,*)
Read (nin,*) method
Allocate (thres(n),iwsav(liwsav),rwsav(lrwsav),ynow(n),ypnow(n), &
! Set initial conditions and input for D02PQF
Read (nin,*) t, tend
Read (nin,*) ynow(1:n)
Read (nin,*) hstart
Read (nin,*) thres(1:n)
! ifail: behaviour on error exit
! =0 for hard exit, =1 for quiet-soft, =-1 for noisy-soft
ifail = 0
Call d02pqf(n,t,tend,ynow,tol,thres,method,hstart,iwsav,rwsav,ifail)
Write (nout,99999) tol
Write (nout,99998)
Write (nout,99997) t, ynow(1:n)
tout = 0.1_nag_wp
tnow = t
Do While (tnow<tend)
! Integrate by one time step using reverse communication
tprev = tnow
yprev(1:n) = ynow(1:n)
ifail = 1
irevcm = 0
Do While (irevcm>=0)
Call d02pgf(irevcm,n,tnow,ynow,ypnow,iwsav,rwsav,ifail)
If (irevcm>0) Then
ypnow(1) = ynow(2)
ypnow(2) = -ynow(1)
End If
End Do
If (ifail==1 .Or. ifail>4) Then
Write (6,99996) ifail, tnow
Go To 100
End If
! Detect sign changes in last step
iroot(1:n) = 0
nchange = 0
Do i = 1, n
If (ynow(i)*yprev(i)<0.0_nag_wp) Then
nchange = nchange + 1
iroot(nchange) = i
End If
End Do
! Interpolate for values of t at increments of 0.1 within step and
! find roots of components of y.
If (tnow>=tout .Or. nchange>0) Then
! Set up interpolation by reverse communication
ifail = 0
irevcm = 0
Do While (irevcm>=0)
ifail = 0
Call d02phf(irevcm,n,n,t,y,yp,wcomm,lwcomm,iwsav,rwsav,ifail)
If (irevcm>0) Then
yp(1) = y(2)
yp(2) = -y(1)
End If
End Do
icheck = 1
! If there are sign changes: find roots
Do i = 1, nchange
j = iroot(i)
t1 = tprev
t2 = tnow
ind = 1
ifail = 0
Do While (ind/=0)
Call c05azf(t1,t2,y(j),tol,1,c,ind,ifail)
If (ind>1) Then
ifail = 0
Call d02pjf(icheck,n,n,t1,0,y,wcomm,lwcomm,iwsav,rwsav,ifail)
icheck = 0
End If
End Do
troot(i) = t1
End Do
! Evaluate Interpolant at increments and print any contained roots
ifail = 0
Do While (tnow>=tout)
Do i = 1, nchange
If (troot(i)<tout .And. iroot(i)>0) Then
Write (nout,99995) iroot(i), troot(i)
iroot(i) = -iroot(i)
End If
End Do
Call d02pjf(icheck,n,n,tout,0,yout,wcomm,lwcomm,iwsav,rwsav,ifail)
icheck = 0
Write (nout,99997) tout, yout(1:n)
tout = tout + 0.1_nag_wp
End Do
! Print any remaining roots up to current time
Do i = 1, nchange
If (iroot(i)>0) Then
Write (nout,99995) iroot(i), troot(i)
End If
End Do
End If
End Do
! Print some integration statistics
ifail = 0
Call d02ptf(totf,stpcst,waste,stpsok,hnext,iwsav,rwsav,ifail)
Write (nout,99994) totf
100 Continue
99999 Format (/,' Calculation with TOL = ',E8.1)
99998 Format (/,' t y1 y2',/)
99997 Format (1X,F6.3,2(3X,F8.4))
99996 Format (/,'D02PGF returned with ifail = ',I3,' at t = ',E12.5,'.')
99995 Format ('Component ',I2,' has a root at t = ',F7.4)
99994 Format (/,' Cost of the integration in evaluations of F is',I6)
End Program d02pgfe