X06AGF enables or disables nested OpenMP parallelism.
X06AGF, for multi-threaded implementations, enables or disables the nesting of OpenMP parallel regions by setting an OpenMP Internal Control Variable (ICV) and any vendor library specific options where that is possible. See the
Users' Note for your implementation for details of the scope of X06AGF.
Nesting is disabled by default in OpenMP.
In serial implementations of the NAG Library X06AGF has no effect. See the
Chapter X06 for a discussion of the behaviour of these routines when called in serial.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
In this example we presume a multi-threaded implementation of the NAG Library. We call X06AGF to enable the nesting of OpenMP parallel regions by setting an ICV. Inside a first, or ‘outer’, parallel region we call
X06AHF to display the status of nesting, and expect to see it return the value
Each thread then spawns a second ‘inner’ parallel region. Within this region we have each thread increment the value total. As there are threads in the outer region and threads in each inner region we expect the final value of this variable to be .
If you use a serial implementation of the NAG library, regardless of whether the code is compiled with OpenMP or not, X06AGF will have no effect and
X06AHF will always return
. The total number of threads will be
. The appropriate results file will be included with the distribution material for your implementation.