Note: before using this routine, please read the Users' Note for your implementation to check the interpretation of bold italicised terms and other implementation-dependent details.
F16DNF computes the largest component, , of an -element integer vector , and determines the smallest index, , such that
4 References
Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms Technical (BLAST) Forum (2001) Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms Technical (BLAST) Forum Standard University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
5 Parameters
1: – INTEGERInput
On entry: , the number of elements in .
2: – INTEGER arrayInput
On entry: the -element vector .
If ,
must be stored in , for .
If ,
must be stored in , for .
Intermediate elements of X are not referenced. If , X is not referenced.
3: – INTEGERInput
On entry: the increment in the subscripts of X between successive elements of .
4: – INTEGEROutput
On exit: , the index, from the set , of the largest component of . If on input then K is returned as .
5: – INTEGEROutput
On exit: , the largest component of . If on input then I is returned as .
6 Error Indicators and Warnings
If , an error message is printed and program execution is terminated.