F08KDF Example Program Results

 Singular values
     9.9966  3.6831  1.3569  0.5000
 Left singular vectors
          1       2       3       4
 1  -0.1921  0.8030 -0.0041  0.5642
 2   0.8794  0.3926  0.0752 -0.2587
 3  -0.2140  0.2980 -0.7827 -0.5027
 4   0.3795 -0.3351 -0.6178  0.6017

 Right singular vectors by row (first m rows of V**T)
          1       2       3       4       5       6
 1  -0.2774 -0.2020 -0.2918  0.0938  0.4213 -0.7816
 2   0.6003  0.0301 -0.3348  0.3699 -0.5266 -0.3353
 3   0.1277 -0.2805 -0.6453 -0.6781 -0.0413  0.1645
 4  -0.1323 -0.7034 -0.1906  0.5399  0.0575  0.3957

 Error estimate for the singular values

 Error estimates for the left singular vectors
        1.8E-16    4.8E-16    1.3E-15    1.3E-15

 Error estimates for the right singular vectors
        1.8E-16    4.8E-16    1.3E-15    2.2E-15