E04NLF Example Program Results Calls to E04NMF --------------- Check Frequency = 10 Crash Tolerance = 0.05 Infinite Bound Size = 1.0E+25 OPTIONS file ------------ Begin * Example options file for E04NLF Iteration Limit = 25 * (Default = 75) Print Level = 1 * (Default = 10) End Workspace provided is IZ( 1), Z( 1). To start solving the problem we need IZ( 428), Z( 358). Exit E04NKF - Not enough integer workspace to start solving the problem. *** E04NKF Parameters ---------- Frequencies. Check frequency......... 10 Expand frequency........ 10000 Factorization frequency. 100 LP Parameters. Scale tolerance......... 9.00E-01 Feasibility tolerance... 1.00E-06 Iteration limit......... 25 Scale option............ 2 Optimality tolerance.... 1.00E-06 Partial price........... 10 Crash tolerance......... 5.00E-02 Pivot tolerance......... 2.04E-11 Crash option............ 2 QP objective. Objective variables..... 7 Hessian columns......... 7 Superbasics limit....... 7 Miscellaneous. Variables............... 7 Linear constraints...... 8 LU factor tolerance..... 1.00E+02 LU update tolerance..... 1.00E+01 LU singularity tolerance 2.04E-11 Monitoring file......... -1 EPS (machine precision). 1.11E-16 Print level............. 1 Infinite bound size..... 1.00E+25 Infinite step size...... 1.00E+25 COLD start.............. MINIMIZE................ Workspace provided is IZ( 428), Z( 358). To start solving the problem we need IZ( 428), Z( 358). This is the E04NLF example. NCOLH = 7. Variable State Value Lower Bound Upper Bound Lagr Mult Residual ...X1... LL 0.00000 . 200.00 2361. . ...X2... BS 349.399 . 2500.0 -1.2975E-12 349.4 ...X3... SBS 648.853 400.00 800.00 -5.7329E-13 151.1 ...X4... SBS 172.847 100.00 700.00 6.4970E-13 72.85 ...X5... BS 407.521 . 1500.0 9.1881E-13 407.5 ...X6... BS 271.356 . None -1.1928E-12 271.4 ...X7... BS 150.023 . None -1.4130E-12 150.0 Constrnt State Value Lower Bound Upper Bound Lagr Mult Residual ..ROW1.. EQ 2000.00 2000.0 2000.0 -1.2901E+04 . ..ROW2.. BS 49.2316 None 60.000 . -10.77 ..ROW3.. UL 100.000 None 100.00 -2325. . ..ROW4.. BS 32.0719 None 40.000 . -7.928 ..ROW5.. BS 14.5572 None 30.000 . -15.44 ..ROW6.. LL 1500.00 1500.0 None 1.4455E+04 . ..ROW7.. LL 250.000 250.00 300.00 1.4581E+04 . ..COST.. BS -2.988690E+06 None None -1.000 -2.9887E+06 Finished the E04NLF example. Exit E04NKF - Optimal QP solution found. Final QP objective value = -1847785. Exit from QP problem after 10 iterations.