E04NCF Example Program Results
 *** E04NCF
 Problem type...........       LS1       Hessian................        NO
 Linear constraints.....         3       Feasibility tolerance..  1.05E-08
 Variables..............         9       Crash tolerance........  1.00E-02
 Objective matrix rows..        10       Rank tolerance.........  1.11E-14
 Infinite bound size....  1.00E+20       COLD start.............
 Infinite step size.....  1.00E+20       EPS (machine precision)  1.11E-16
 Print level............        10       Feasibility phase itns.        60
 Monitoring file........        -1       Optimality  phase itns.        60
 Workspace provided is     IWORK(       9),  WORK(     261).
 To solve problem we need  IWORK(       9),  WORK(     261).
 Rank of the objective function data matrix =     6
 Itn     Step Ninf Sinf/Objective  Norm Gz
   0  0.0E+00    1   2.145500E+00  0.0E+00
   1  2.5E-01    1   1.145500E+00  0.0E+00
   2  3.8E-01    0   6.595685E+00  2.3E+01
   3  1.0E-01    0   5.342505E+00  1.9E+01
   4  7.1E-02    0   4.616975E+00  2.2E+00
   5  1.0E-01    0   4.558492E+00  1.3E+00
   6  1.0E+00    0   4.523485E+00  9.8E-16
   7  3.5E-01    0   1.934106E+00  6.9E+00
   8  2.1E-01    0   1.323283E+00  5.1E+00
   9  1.4E-02    0   1.307479E+00  0.0E+00
  10  1.0E+00    0   9.153991E-01  5.3E-15
  11  6.1E-01    0   2.190278E-01  5.9E-01
  12  1.0E+00    0   1.652065E-01  2.2E-15
  13  1.0E+00    0   9.605160E-02  2.2E-15
  14  3.0E-02    0   9.236999E-02  4.5E-01
  15  1.0E+00    0   8.134082E-02  8.3E-16
 Exit from LS problem after    15 iterations.
 Varbl State     Value       Lower Bound   Upper Bound    Lagr Mult   Slack
 V   1    LL    0.00000           .         2.00000      0.1572         .
 V   2    FR   4.152607E-02       .         2.00000           .      4.1526E-02
 V   3    FR   0.587176          None       2.00000           .       1.413
 V   4    LL    0.00000           .         2.00000      0.8782         .
 V   5    FR   9.964323E-02       .         2.00000           .      9.9643E-02
 V   6    LL    0.00000           .         2.00000      0.1473         .
 V   7    FR   4.905781E-02       .         2.00000           .      4.9058E-02
 V   8    LL    0.00000           .         2.00000      0.8603         .
 V   9    FR   0.305649           .         2.00000           .      0.3056
 L Con State     Value       Lower Bound   Upper Bound    Lagr Mult   Slack
 L   1    LL    2.00000       2.00000          None      0.3777     -4.4409E-16
 L   2    UL    2.00000          None       2.00000     -5.7914E-02  2.2204E-16
 L   3    LL    1.00000       1.00000       4.00000      0.1075      4.4409E-16
 Exit E04NCF - Optimal LS solution.
 Final LS objective value =   0.8134082E-01