nag_mip_opt_get (h02zlc) is used to query the value of optional arguments available to supported problem solving functions in
Chapter h.
nag_mip_opt_get (h02zlc) is used to query the current values of options. It is necessary to initialize optional argument arrays using
nag_mip_opt_set (h02zkc) before any options are queried.
nag_mip_opt_get (h02zlc) will normally return either an integer, real or character value dependent upon the type associated with the optional argument being queried. Some real and integer options also return additional information in
cvalue. Whether the option queried is of integer, real or character type, and whether additional information is returned in
cvalue, is indicated by the returned value of
Information on optional argument names and whether these options are real, integer or character can be found in
Section 11 in nag_mip_sqp (h02dac).
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
See the example programs associated with the problem solving function you wish to use for a demonstration of how to use nag_mip_opt_get (h02zlc) to query options.