nag_complex_sparse_eigensystem_monit (f12asc) Example Program Results
Iteration   1,  No. converged =   0, norm of estimates =   7.24623046e-07
Iteration   2,  No. converged =   0, norm of estimates =   2.54492819e-09
Iteration   3,  No. converged =   2, norm of estimates =   8.62828541e-12
Iteration   4,  No. converged =   2, norm of estimates =   2.61062163e-14
Iteration   5,  No. converged =   2, norm of estimates =   1.98889797e-16
Iteration   6,  No. converged =   3, norm of estimates =   2.20356620e-18

 The    4 generalized Ritz values closest to ( 5000.000 ,   0.000 ) are:

       1     (    4829.8497 ,      -0.0000 )
       2     (    5279.5223 ,      -0.0000 )
       3     (    4400.6310 ,       0.0000 )
       4     (    5749.7160 ,      -0.0000 )