nag_opt_sparse_convex_qp_solve (e04nqc) Example Program Results
 Solution file..........         0       Old basis file ........         0       (Print file)...........         6
 Insert file............         0       New basis file ........         0       (Summary file).........         0
 Punch file.............         0       Backup basis file......         0
 Load file..............         0       Dump file..............         0
 Print frequency........       100       Check frequency........        60       Save new basis map.....       100
 Summary frequency......       100       Factorization frequency        50       Expand frequency.......     10000
 LP/QP Parameters
 Minimize...............                 QPsolver Cholesky......                 Cold start.............
 Scale tolerance........     0.900       Feasibility tolerance..  1.00E-06       Iteration limit........     10000
 Scale option...........         2       Optimality tolerance...  1.00E-06       Print level............         1
 Crash tolerance........     0.100       Pivot tolerance........  2.05E-11       Partial price..........         1
 Crash option...........         3       Elastic weight.........  1.00E+00       Prtl price section ( A)         7
 Elastic mode...........         1       Elastic objective......         1       Prtl price section (-I)         8
 QP objective
 Objective variables....         7       Hessian columns........         7       Superbasics limit......         7
 Nonlin Objective vars..         7       Unbounded step size....  1.00E+20
 Linear Objective vars..         0
 LU factor tolerance....      3.99       LU singularity tol.....  2.05E-11       Timing level...........         0
 LU update tolerance....      3.99       LU swap tolerance......  1.03E-04       Debug level............         0
 LU partial  pivoting...                 eps (machine precision)  1.11E-16       System information.....        No
 Matrix statistics
               Total      Normal        Free       Fixed     Bounded
 Rows              8           5           1           1           1
 Columns           7           2           0           0           5
 No. of matrix elements                   48     Density      85.714
 Biggest                          1.0000E+00  (excluding fixed columns,
 Smallest                         1.0000E-02   free rows, and RHS)
 No. of objective coefficients             7
 Biggest                          2.0000E+03  (excluding fixed columns)
 Smallest                         2.0000E+02
 Nonlinear constraints       0     Linear constraints       8
 Nonlinear variables         7     Linear variables         0
 Jacobian  variables         0     Objective variables      7
 Total constraints           8     Total variables          7
 Itn      1: Feasible linear constraints
 E04NQT EXIT   0 -- finished successfully
 E04NQT INFO   1 -- optimality conditions satisfied
 Problem name
 No. of iterations                   9   Objective value     -1.8477846771E+06
 No. of Hessian products            16   Objective row       -2.9886903537E+06
                                         Quadratic objective  1.1409056766E+06
 No. of superbasics                  2   No. of basic nonlinears             4
 No. of degenerate steps             0   Percentage                       0.00
 Max x       (scaled)        3 2.4E-01   Max pi      (scaled)        6 4.7E+07
 Max x                       3 6.5E+02   Max pi                      7 1.5E+04
 Max Prim inf(scaled)        0 0.0E+00   Max Dual inf(scaled)        6 1.1E-08
 Max Primal infeas           0 0.0E+00   Max Dual infeas             9 6.4E-12
 Name                                    Objective Value     -1.8477846771E+06
 Status         Optimal Soln             Iteration      9    Superbasics     2
 Section 1 - Rows
  Number  ...Row.. State  ...Activity...  Slack Activity  ..Lower Limit.  ..Upper Limit.  .Dual Activity    ..i
       8  ..ROW1..    EQ      2000.00000          .           2000.00000      2000.00000    -12900.76766      1
       9  ..ROW2..    BS        49.23160       -10.76840           None         60.00000         0.00000      2
      10  ..ROW3..    UL       100.00000          .                None        100.00000     -2324.86620      3
      11  ..ROW4..    BS        32.07187        -7.92813           None         40.00000          .           4
      12  ..ROW5..    BS        14.55719       -15.44281           None         30.00000          .           5
      13  ..ROW6..    LL      1500.00000          .           1500.00000           None      14454.60290      6
      14  ..ROW7..    LL       250.00000          .            250.00000       300.00000     14580.95432      7
      15  ..COST..    BS  -2988690.35370  -2988690.35370           None            None         -1.0          8
 Section 2 - Columns
  Number  .Column. State  ...Activity...  .Obj Gradient.  ..Lower Limit.  ..Upper Limit.  Reduced Gradnt    m+j
       1  ...X1...    LL          .           -200.00000          .            200.00000      2360.67253      9
       2  ...X2...    BS       349.39923     -1301.20153          .           2500.00000        -0.00000     10
       3  ...X3...   SBS       648.85342      -356.59829       400.00000       800.00000         0.00000     11
       4  ...X4...   SBS       172.84743      -356.59829       100.00000       700.00000        -0.00000     12
       5  ...X5...    BS       407.52089     -1184.95822          .           1500.00000        -0.00000     13
       6  ...X6...    BS       271.35624      1242.75804          .                None         -0.00000     14
       7  ...X7...    BS       150.02278      1242.75804          .                None          0.00000     15
Final objective value =  -1.848e+06
Optimal X =      0.00    349.40    648.85    172.85    407.52    271.36    150.02