nag_pde_parab_1d_coll_ode (d03pjc) Example Program Results
 Degree of Polynomial =   2   No. of elements =  10

  Simple coupled PDE using BDF
  Accuracy requirement = 1.000e-04 Number of points =   21

  x            0.000    0.200    0.400    0.600    1.000

(User-supplied callback uvinit, first invocation.)
(User-supplied callback pdedef, first invocation.)
(User-supplied callback odedef, first invocation.)
(User-supplied callback bndary, first invocation.)
 t =  0.200
 App.  sol.    0.222    0.174    0.128    0.084    0.001  ODE sol. =   0.200
 Exact sol.    0.221    0.174    0.127    0.083    0.000  ODE sol. =   0.200

 t =  0.400
 App.  sol.    0.492    0.378    0.272    0.174    0.000  ODE sol. =   0.400
 Exact sol.    0.492    0.377    0.271    0.174    0.000  ODE sol. =   0.400

 t =  0.800
 App.  sol.    1.226    0.897    0.616    0.377    0.000  ODE sol. =   0.800
 Exact sol.    1.226    0.896    0.616    0.377    0.000  ODE sol. =   0.800

 t =  1.600
 App.  sol.    3.953    2.597    1.611    0.896   -0.001  ODE sol. =   1.600
 Exact sol.    3.953    2.597    1.612    0.896    0.000  ODE sol. =   1.600

 t =  3.200
 App.  sol.   23.533   11.931    5.814    2.590   -0.007  ODE sol. =   3.202
 Exact sol.   23.533   11.936    5.821    2.597    0.000  ODE sol. =   3.200

 Number of integration steps in time =     46
 Number of function evaluations =    590
 Number of Jacobian evaluations =    20
 Number of iterations =    137