nag_pde_parab_1d_cd (d03pfc) Example Program Results

Example 1

 npts =  101 acc[0] =  1.000e-04 acc[1] =  1.000e-05

        x        Approx u    Exact u     Approx v    Exact v
(User-supplied callback bndary1, first invocation.)
(User-supplied callback numflx1, first invocation.)

 t =  0.100

         0.0000    1.0615    1.0613   -0.0155   -0.0150
         0.2000    0.9892    0.9891   -0.0953   -0.0957
         0.4000    1.0826    1.0826    0.1180    0.1178
         0.6000    1.7001    1.7001   -0.0751   -0.0746
         0.8000    2.3959    2.3966   -0.2453   -0.2458
         1.0000    2.1029    2.1025    0.3760    0.3753

 t =  0.200

         0.0000    1.0957    1.0956    0.0368    0.0370
         0.2000    1.0808    1.0811    0.1826    0.1828
         0.4000    1.1102    1.1100   -0.2935   -0.2938
         0.6000    1.6461    1.6454   -1.2921   -1.2908
         0.8000    1.7913    1.7920   -0.8510   -0.8525
         1.0000    2.2050    2.2050   -0.4222   -0.4221

 Number of integration steps in time =     56
 Number of function evaluations =    229
 Number of Jacobian evaluations =      7
 Number of iterations =    143

Example 2

 npts =  151  acc[0] =  1.000e-05 acc[1] =  1.000e-05

 x      -1.0000  -0.9600  -0.5200   0.0000   0.4800   0.9600   1.0000

(User-supplied callback bndary2, first invocation.)
(User-supplied callback pdedef, first invocation.)
(User-supplied callback numflx2, first invocation.)
 t =  1.000
 u       3.0000   3.6221   3.8087   4.0000   4.1766   4.3779   5.0000

 t = 10.000
 u       3.0000   3.9592   4.0000   4.0000   4.0000   4.0408   5.0000

 Number of integration steps in time =    503
 Number of function evaluations =   1190
 Number of Jacobian evaluations =     28
 Number of iterations =   1035