The Design of The NAG Toolbox for MATLAB
The first section of this document describes the structure of the Toolbox
and its documentation, and should be of interest to all users. The second
part, Comparison with the Fortran Library, is
mainly of interest to users familiar with using NAG routines directly.
Structure of the Toolbox
The Toolbox has the same structure as the NAG Library.
The Library is divided into chapters, each
devoted to a branch of numerical analysis or statistics. Each chapter
has a three-character name and a title, e.g.,
Exceptionally, Chapters H and S have one-character names. (The chapters
and their names are based on the ACM modified SHARE classification index
(see ACM (1960–1976)).)
All documented routines in the Toolbox have
five-character names, beginning with the characters of the chapter name,
Note that the second and third characters
are digits, not letters; e.g., 0 is the digit zero, not the
letter O.
All routines have an alternative longer name beginning nag_
for example d01aj may be called via the name nag_quad_1d_fin_bad.
The documentation of the Toolbox follows the same chapter structure as
the Library, so each chapter of routines has a corresponding chapter in
the documentation, consisting of the following documents:
- Chapter Contents, e.g., Chapter D01;
- Chapter Introduction, e.g., the D01 Chapter Introduction;
- Routine Documents, one for each documented
routine in the chapter.
All documentation is available through the MATLAB help system,
however some documents contains a great deal of mathematical equations,
which the MATLAB help system is not always able to display clearly if using MATLAB prior to 2013a.
As an alternative it is possible to consult PDF versions of the documents
by clicking on the links at the top of each page, or accessing them via
the NAG website.
Comparison with the Fortran Library
This section will mainly be of interest to users familiar with using
the NAG Library directly from Fortran or another high-level
programming environment. It explains the rationale for deciding
whether a parameter is optional or omitted from the interface
completely, and other differences between the Library and the Toolbox.
Optional Parameters
Optional parameters fall into one of the following categories:
- A sensible default value exists which applies to many
- The parameter only applies to some cases which the routine is
designed to solve.
- The value of the parameter can normally be determined from that of
other parameters at runtime.
Parameters Omitted from the Toolbox Interface
The following kinds of parameters have been omitted completely from
the toolbox interface, because they can always be determined at
- Dimensions of arrays.
- Workspace whose size depends entirely on the problem data.
- Parameters whose value depends entirely on that of other input
User Workspace
Many routines have parameters for user workspace, which are
passed unchanged to user-supplied functions or subroutines. This
allows data to be passed to these subprograms in a thread-safe way.
Typically there are two or three such parameters, an integer and real
array and, sometimes, a character array. In the MATLAB toolbox these
are replaced by a single MATLAB object, to provide more flexibility.
For example in the following case user is a cell array containing
three pieces of data:
x = [0.5; 1; 1.5];
y =
t = [[1.0, 15.0, 1.0],
[2.0, 14.0, 2.0],
[3.0, 13.0, 3.0],
[4.0, 12.0, 4.0],
[5.0, 11.0, 5.0],
[6.0, 10.0, 6.0],
[7.0, 9.0, 7.0],
[8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
[9.0, 7.0, 7.0],
[10.0, 6.0, 6.0],
[11.0, 5.0, 5.0],
[12.0, 4.0, 4.0],
[13.0, 3.0, 3.0],
[14.0, 2.0, 2.0],
[15.0, 1.0, 1.0]];
user = {y, t, 3};
[xOut, fsumsq] = e04fy(nag_int(15), 'e04fy_lsfun1', x, 'user', user);
It is used in the M-File e04fy_lsfun1.m as follows:
function [fvecc, user] = lsfun1(m, n, xc, user)
% y is in user{1} and t is in user{2}
for i = 1:m
fvecc(i) = xc(1) + user{2}(i,1)/(xc(2)*user{2}(i,2)+xc(3)*user{2}(i,3))-...
Input/Output Parameters
In the Fortran Library it is common for parameters to have their
values over-written on exit from the routine. These routines are
marked as Input/Output in the documentation. Since this
behaviour seems unnatural in MATLAB, we have chosen to split
parameters into Input and Output only.
Routines Omitted from the Toolbox
The Toolbox contains interfaces to all the routines in Mark 24 of the
NAG Fortran Library apart from chapter F06 (Linear Algebra Support
Routines), X07 (IEEE Arithmetic) and:
| Diagnostic function for d01ra |
| Supply optional parameter values for e04dgf/e04dga from
external file |
| Supply optional parameter values for e04mff/e04mfa from
external file |
| Converts MPSX data file defining LP or QP problem to format
required by e04nqf |
| Supply optional parameter values for e04ncf/e04nca from
external file |
| Supply optional parameter values for e04nff/e04nfa from
external file |
| Supply optional parameter values for e04nkf/e04nka from
external file |
| Supply optional parameter values for e04nqf from external
file |
| Supply optional parameter values for e04ucf/e04uca or
e04uff/e04ufa from external file |
| Supply optional parameter values for e04ugf/e04uga from
external file |
| Supply optional parameter values for e04usf/e04usa from
external file |
| Supply optional parameter values for e04vhf from external
file |
| Supply optional parameter values for e04wdf from external
file |
| Supply optional parameter values for e05jbf from external file
| Interpret MPSX data file defining IP or LP problem, optimize
and print solution |
| Convert MPSX data file defining IP or LP problem to format
required by h02bbf or e04mff/e04mfa |
| Read optional parameter values for h02cbf from external file |
| Read optional parameter values for h02cef from external file |
In addition, in cases where there is a thread-safe and a thread-unsafe
variant of a routine (e.g. e04ufa and e04uff) we only provide an
interface to the thread safe version.
ACM (1960–1976) Collected algorithms from ACM index by subject to algorithms