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NAG Toolbox

NAG Toolbox: nag_lapack_dpstrf (f07kd)


    1  Purpose
    2  Syntax
    7  Accuracy
    9  Example


nag_lapack_dpstrf (f07kd) computes the Cholesky factorization with complete pivoting of a real symmetric positive semidefinite matrix.


[a, piv, rank, info] = f07kd(uplo, a, 'n', n, 'tol', tol)
[a, piv, rank, info] = nag_lapack_dpstrf(uplo, a, 'n', n, 'tol', tol)


nag_lapack_dpstrf (f07kd) forms the Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric positive semidefinite matrix A either as PTAP=UTU if uplo='U' or PTAP=LLT if uplo='L', where P is a permutation matrix, U is an upper triangular matrix and L is lower triangular.
This algorithm does not attempt to check that A is positive semidefinite.


Higham N J (2002) Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms (2nd Edition) SIAM, Philadelphia
Lucas C (2004) LAPACK-style codes for Level 2 and 3 pivoted Cholesky factorizations LAPACK Working Note No. 161. Technical Report CS-04-522 Department of Computer Science, University of Tennessee, 107 Ayres Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996-1301, USA http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lawnspdf/lawn161.pdf


Compulsory Input Parameters

1:     uplo – string (length ≥ 1)
Specifies whether the upper or lower triangular part of A is stored and how A is to be factorized.
The upper triangular part of A is stored and A is factorized as UTU, where U is upper triangular.
The lower triangular part of A is stored and A is factorized as LLT, where L is lower triangular.
Constraint: uplo='U' or 'L'.
2:     alda: – double array
The first dimension of the array a must be at least max1,n.
The second dimension of the array a must be at least max1,n.
The n by n symmetric positive semidefinite matrix A.
  • If uplo='U', the upper triangular part of a must be stored and the elements of the array below the diagonal are not referenced.
  • If uplo='L', the lower triangular part of a must be stored and the elements of the array above the diagonal are not referenced.

Optional Input Parameters

1:     n int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the first dimension of the array a and the second dimension of the array a.
n, the order of the matrix A.
Constraint: n0.
2:     tol – double scalar
Default: -1
User defined tolerance. If tol<0, then n×maxk=1,nAkk×machine precision will be used. The algorithm terminates at the rth step if the r+1th step pivot <tol.

Output Parameters

1:     alda: – double array
The first dimension of the array a will be max1,n.
The second dimension of the array a will be max1,n.
If uplo='U', the first rank rows of the upper triangle of A are overwritten with the nonzero elements of the Cholesky factor U, and the remaining rows of the triangle are destroyed.
If uplo='L', the first rank columns of the lower triangle of A are overwritten with the nonzero elements of the Cholesky factor L, and the remaining columns of the triangle are destroyed.
2:     pivn int64int32nag_int array
piv is such that the nonzero entries of P are P pivk,k =1, for k=1,2,,n.
3:     rank int64int32nag_int scalar
The computed rank of A given by the number of steps the algorithm completed.
4:     info int64int32nag_int scalar
info=0 unless the function detects an error (see Error Indicators and Warnings).

Error Indicators and Warnings

Cases prefixed with W are classified as warnings and do not generate an error of type NAG:error_n. See nag_issue_warnings.

If info=-i, argument i had an illegal value. An explanatory message is output, and execution of the program is terminated.
W  info=1
The matrix A is not positive definite. It is either positive semidefinite with computed rank as returned in rank and less than n, or it may be indefinite, see Further Comments.


If uplo='L' and rank=r, the computed Cholesky factor L and permutation matrix P satisfy the following upper bound
A - PLLTPT 2 A2 2r cr ε W 2 + 1 2 + Oε2 ,  
W = L 11 -1 L12 ,   L = L11 0 L12 0 ,   L11 r×r ,  
cr is a modest linear function of r, ε is machine precision, and
W2 13 n-r 4r-1 .  
So there is no guarantee of stability of the algorithm for large n and r, although W2 is generally small in practice.

Further Comments

The total number of floating-point operations is approximately nr2-2/3r3, where r is the computed rank of A.
This algorithm does not attempt to check that A is positive semidefinite, and in particular the rank detection criterion in the algorithm is based on A being positive semidefinite. If there is doubt over semidefiniteness then you should use the indefinite factorization nag_lapack_dsytrf (f07md). See Lucas (2004) for further information.
The complex analogue of this function is nag_lapack_zpstrf (f07kr).


This example computes the Cholesky factorization of the matrix A, where
A= 2.51 4.04 3.34 1.34 1.29 4.04 8.22 7.38 2.68 2.44 3.34 7.38 7.06 2.24 2.14 1.34 2.68 2.24 0.96 0.80 1.29 2.44 2.14 0.80 0.74 .  
function f07kd_example

fprintf('f07kd example results\n\n');

% Semidefinite matrix A
a = [2.51, 4.04, 3.34, 1.34, 1.29;
     4.04, 8.22, 7.38, 2.68, 2.44;
     3.34, 7.38, 7.06, 2.24, 2.14;
     1.34, 2.68, 2.24, 0.96, 0.80;
     1.29, 2.44, 2.14, 0.80, 0.74];

% Catch warnings about rank defficient matrix ifail=1
wstat = warning();

% Factorize a
uplo = 'l';
[afac, piv, rank, info] = f07kd( ...
                                 uplo, a);

if (info==0 || info==1) 
  fprintf('Computed rank: %d\n\n', rank);
  % Zero out columns rank+1 onwards
  afac(:, rank+1:5) = 0;

  [ifail] = x04ca( ...
                   uplo, 'n', afac, 'Factor');

  fprintf('\n piv:\n   ');
  fprintf('%11d', piv);
  fprintf('\nf07kd returned with error, info = %d.\n',info);


f07kd example results

Computed rank: 3

             1          2          3          4          5
 1      2.8671
 2      1.4091     0.7242
 3      2.5741    -0.3965     0.5262
 4      0.9348     0.0315    -0.2920     0.0000
 5      0.8510     0.1254    -0.0018     0.0000     0.0000

             2          1          3          4          5

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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

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