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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

NAG Toolbox: nag_mesh_2d_gen_boundary (d06ba)


    1  Purpose
    2  Syntax
    7  Accuracy
    9  Example


nag_mesh_2d_gen_boundary (d06ba) generates a boundary mesh on a closed connected subdomain Ω of 2.


[nvb, coor, nedge, edge, user, ifail] = d06ba(coorch, lined, fbnd, crus, rate, nlcomp, lcomp, nvmax, nedmx, itrace, 'nlines', nlines, 'sdcrus', sdcrus, 'ncomp', ncomp, 'user', user)
[nvb, coor, nedge, edge, user, ifail] = nag_mesh_2d_gen_boundary(coorch, lined, fbnd, crus, rate, nlcomp, lcomp, nvmax, nedmx, itrace, 'nlines', nlines, 'sdcrus', sdcrus, 'ncomp', ncomp, 'user', user)


Given a closed connected subdomain Ω of 2, whose boundary Ω is divided by characteristic points into m distinct line segments, nag_mesh_2d_gen_boundary (d06ba) generates a boundary mesh on Ω. Each line segment may be a straight line, a curve defined by the equation fx,y=0, or a polygonal curve defined by a set of given boundary mesh points.
This function is primarily designed for use with either nag_mesh_2d_gen_inc (d06aa) (a simple incremental method) or nag_mesh_2d_gen_delaunay (d06ab) (Delaunay–Voronoi method) or nag_mesh_2d_gen_front (d06ac) (Advancing Front method) to triangulate the interior of the domain Ω. For more details about the boundary and interior mesh generation, consult the D06 Chapter Introduction as well as George and Borouchaki (1998).
This function is derived from material in the MODULEF package from INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique).


George P L and Borouchaki H (1998) Delaunay Triangulation and Meshing: Application to Finite Elements Editions HERMES, Paris


Compulsory Input Parameters

1:     coorch2nlines – double array
coorch1i contains the x coordinate of the ith characteristic point, for i=1,2,,nlines; while coorch2i contains the corresponding y coordinate.
2:     lined4nlines int64int32nag_int array
The description of the lines that define the boundary domain. The line i, for i=1,2,,m, is defined as follows:
The number of points on the line, including two end points.
The first end point of the line. If lined2i=j, then the coordinates of the first end point are those stored in coorch:j.
The second end point of the line. If lined3i=k, then the coordinates of the second end point are those stored in coorch:k.
This defines the type of line segment connecting the end points. Additional information is conveyed by the numerical value of lined4i as follows:
(i) lined4i>0, the line is described in fbnd with lined4i as the index. In this case, the line must be described in the trigonometric (anticlockwise) direction;
(ii) lined4i=0, the line is a straight line;
(iii) if lined4i<0, say (-p), then the line is a polygonal arc joining the end points and interior points specified in crus. In this case the line contains the points whose coordinates are stored in
coorch:j , crus:p , crus:p+1 ,, crus:p+r-3 , coorch:k  ,
where z1,2, r=lined1i, j=lined2i and k=lined3i.
  • 2lined1i;
  • 1lined2inlines;
  • 1lined3inlines;
  • lined2ilined3i, for i=1,2,,nlines.
For each line described by fbnd (lines with lined4i > 0 , for i=1,2,,nlines) the two end points ( lined2i  and lined3i ) lie on the curve defined by index lined4i in fbnd, i.e.,
fbnd lined4i,coorch1lined2i,coorch2lined2i,user,user = 0 ;
fbnd lined4i,coorch1lined3i,coorch2lined3i,user,user = 0 , for i=1,2,,nlines.
For all lines described as polygonal arcs (lines with lined4i < 0 , for i=1,2,,nlines) the sets of intermediate points (i.e., -lined4i : -lined4i + lined1i - 3  for all i such that lined4i<0) are not overlapping. This can be expressed as:
-lined4i + lined1i - 3 = i,lined4i<0 lined1i - 2  
-lined4i + lined1i - 2 = -lined4j ,  
for a j such that j=1,2,,nlines, ji and lined4j<0.
3:     fbnd – function handle or string containing name of m-file
fbnd must be supplied to calculate the value of the function which describes the curve x,y 2; such that ​f x,y=0  on segments of the boundary for which lined4i>0. If there are no boundaries for which lined4i>0 fbnd will never be referenced by nag_mesh_2d_gen_boundary (d06ba) and fbnd may be the string 'd06bad'. (nag_mesh_2d_gen_boundary_dummy_fbnd (d06bad) is included in the NAG Toolbox.)
[result, user] = fbnd(ii, x, y, user)

Input Parameters

1:     ii int64int32nag_int scalar
lined4i, the reference index of the line (portion of the contour) i described.
2:     x – double scalar
3:     y – double scalar
The values of x and y at which fx,y is to be evaluated.
4:     user – Any MATLAB object
fbnd is called from nag_mesh_2d_gen_boundary (d06ba) with the object supplied to nag_mesh_2d_gen_boundary (d06ba).

Output Parameters

1:     result – double scalar
The value of fx,y at the specified point.
2:     user – Any MATLAB object
4:     crus2sdcrus – double array
The coordinates of the intermediate points for polygonal arc lines. For a line i defined as a polygonal arc (i.e., lined4i<0), if p=-lined4i, then crus1k, for k=p,,p+lined1i-3, must contain the x coordinate of the consecutive intermediate points for this line. Similarly crus2k, for k=p,,p+lined1i-3, must contain the corresponding y coordinate.
5:     ratenlines – double array
ratei is the geometric progression ratio between the points to be generated on the line i, for i=1,2,,m and lined4i0.
If lined4i<0, ratei is not referenced.
Constraint: if lined4i0, ratei>0.0, for i=1,2,,nlines.
6:     nlcompncomp int64int32nag_int array
nlcompk is the number of line segments in component k of the contour. The line i of component k runs in the direction lined2i to lined3i if nlcompk>0, and in the opposite direction otherwise; for k=1,2,,n.
  • 1nlcompknlines, for k=1,2,,ncomp;
  • k =1 n nlcompk =nlines .
7:     lcompnlines int64int32nag_int array
lcomp must contain the list of line numbers for the each component of the boundary. Specifically, the line numbers for the kth component of the boundary, for k=1,2,,ncomp, must be in elements l1-1 to l2-1 of lcomp, where l2 = i=1 k nlcompi  and l1=l2+1-nlcompk.
Constraint: lcomp must hold a valid permutation of the integers 1,nlines.
8:     nvmax int64int32nag_int scalar
The maximum number of the boundary mesh vertices to be generated.
Constraint: nvmaxnlines.
9:     nedmx int64int32nag_int scalar
The maximum number of boundary edges in the boundary mesh to be generated.
Constraint: nedmx1.
10:   itrace int64int32nag_int scalar
The level of trace information required from nag_mesh_2d_gen_boundary (d06ba).
itrace=0 or itrace<-1
No output is generated.
Output from the boundary mesh generator is printed on the current advisory message unit (see nag_file_set_unit_advisory (x04ab)). This output contains the input information of each line and each connected component of the boundary.
An analysis of the output boundary mesh is printed on the current advisory message unit. This analysis includes the orientation (clockwise or anticlockwise) of each connected component of the boundary. This information could be of interest to you, especially if an interior meshing is carried out using the output of this function, calling either nag_mesh_2d_gen_inc (d06aa), nag_mesh_2d_gen_delaunay (d06ab) or nag_mesh_2d_gen_front (d06ac).
The output is similar to that produced when itrace=1, but the coordinates of the generated vertices on the boundary are also output.
You are advised to set itrace=0, unless you are experienced with finite element mesh generation.

Optional Input Parameters

1:     nlines int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the dimension of the arrays coorch, lined, rate, lcomp. (An error is raised if these dimensions are not equal.)
m, the number of lines that define the boundary of the closed connected subdomain (this equals the number of characteristic points which separate the entire boundary Ω into lines).
Constraint: nlines1.
2:     sdcrus int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the second dimension of the array crus.
The second dimension of the array crus.
Constraint: sdcrusi,lined4i<0lined1i-2.
3:     ncomp int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the dimension of the array nlcomp.
n, the number of separately connected components of the boundary.
Constraint: ncomp1.
4:     user – Any MATLAB object
user is not used by nag_mesh_2d_gen_boundary (d06ba), but is passed to fbnd. Note that for large objects it may be more efficient to use a global variable which is accessible from the m-files than to use user.

Output Parameters

1:     nvb int64int32nag_int scalar
The total number of boundary mesh vertices generated.
2:     coor2nvmax – double array
coor1i will contain the x coordinate of the ith boundary mesh vertex generated, for i=1,2,,nvb; while coor2i will contain the corresponding y coordinate.
3:     nedge int64int32nag_int scalar
The total number of boundary edges in the boundary mesh.
4:     edge3nedmx int64int32nag_int array
The specification of the boundary edges. edge1j and edge2j will contain the vertex numbers of the two end points of the jth boundary edge. edge3j is a reference number for the jth boundary edge and
  • edge3j=lined4i, where i and j are such that the jth edges is part of the ith line of the boundary and lined4i0;
  • edge3j=100+lined4i, where i and j are such that the jth edges is part of the ith line of the boundary and lined4i<0.
5:     user – Any MATLAB object
6:     ifail int64int32nag_int scalar
ifail=0 unless the function detects an error (see Error Indicators and Warnings).

Error Indicators and Warnings

Errors or warnings detected by the function:
On entry,nlines<1;
or liwork < i, lined4 i < 0 lined1 i -2 +8 × nlines +nvmax +3 × nedmx +2 × sdcrus ;
or sdcrus < i, lined4 i < 0 lined1 i -2 ;
orratei<0.0 for some i=1,2,,nlines with lined4i0;
orlined1i<2 for some i=1,2,,nlines;
orlined2i<1 or lined2i>nlines for some i=1,2,,nlines;
orlined3i<1 or lined3i>nlines for some i=1,2,,nlines;
orlined2i=lined3i for some i=1,2,,nlines;
ornlcompk=0, or nlcompk>nlines for a k=1,2,,ncomp;
or k =1 n nlcomp k nlines ;
orlcomp does not represent a valid permutation of the integers in 1,nlines;
orone of the end points for a line i described by the user-supplied function (lines with lined4i>0, for i=1,2,,nlines) does not belong to the corresponding curve in fbnd;
orthe intermediate points for the lines described as polygonal arcs (lines with lined4i<0, for i=1,2,,nlines) are overlapping.
An error has occurred during the generation of the boundary mesh. It appears that nedmx is not large enough, so you are advised to increase the value of nedmx.
An error has occurred during the generation of the boundary mesh. It appears that nvmax is not large enough, so you are advised to increase the value of nvmax.
An error has occurred during the generation of the boundary mesh. Check the definition of each line (the argument lined) and each connected component of the boundary (the arguments nlcomp, and lcomp, as well as the coordinates of the characteristic points. Setting itrace>0 may provide more details.
An unexpected error has been triggered by this routine. Please contact NAG.
Your licence key may have expired or may not have been installed correctly.
Dynamic memory allocation failed.


Not applicable.

Further Comments

The boundary mesh generation technique in this function has a ‘tree’ structure. The boundary should be partitioned into geometrically simple segments (straight lines or curves) delimited by characteristic points. Then, the lines should be assembled into connected components of the boundary domain.
Using this strategy, the inputs to that function can be built up, following the requirements stated in Arguments:
The example below details the use of this strategy.


The NAG logo is taken as an example of a geometry with holes. The boundary has been partitioned in 40 lines characteristic points; including 4 for the exterior boundary and 36 for the logo itself. All line geometry specifications have been considered, see the description of lined, including 4 lines defined as polygonal arc, 4 defined by fbnd and all the others are straight lines.
function d06ba_example

fprintf('d06ba example results\n\n');

% Desciption of Nag Logo boundary in terms of arguments to d06ba
nlines = 45;
line = zeros(4,nlines,'int64');
line(1:4,1:nlines) = [ 15  1  2  1;    15  2  3  1;    15  3  4  1;
		       15  4  1  1;     4  6  5 -1;    10 10  6  0; 
		       10 14 10  2;    10  7 14  0;     4  8  7  0;
		       10 13  8  0;    10 13  9  3;    10 12  9  0; 
		        4 11 12  0;    15  5 11  0;    15 26 15  4;
		       10 26 25  0;     4 25 24  0;     4 24 23  0; 
		        4 23 22  0;    10 21 22  6;    10 20 21  6;
		       10 19 20  6;     4 19 18  0;     5 18 17  0; 
		       15 17 16  5;     4 16 15  0;     4 27 28  0;
		        7 28 30  8;     7 30 32  8;     7 32 34  8;  
		        6 36 34 10;     6 38 36 12;    10 40 38 13;
		       10 42 40 13;     8 44 42 13;     4 44 45  0; 
		        4 45 43  0;     4 43 41  0;     6 39 41 13;
		       10 37 39 13;     6 37 35 11;     6 35 33  9; 
		       10 31 33  7;    10 29 31  7;    10 27 29  7]';
coorch = zeros(2,nlines);
coorch(1,:) = ...
   [ 9.5 33.0  9.5 -14.0                                                 ...
    -4.0 -2.0  2.0   4.0 -2.0    -2.0  -4.0 -2.0     4.0   2.0           ...
     5.0  6.0 11.0  11.0  8.5     5.0   8.5  11.5    13.0 14.0 13.0 13.0 ...
    14.0 15.5 17.5  17.5 21.0    19.5  17.5  17.5    16.0 14.5           ...
                    17.0 16.0    20.0  14.0  19.3142 17.0 20.5 18.7249 19.5];
coorch(2,:) = ...
   [-3.0  6.5 16.0   6.5                                                  ...
     3.0  3.0  3.0   3.0 11.0    10.0  11.5  12.0    11.0 10.5            ...
    11.0 10.0 10.0   8.5  8.5     5.75  3.0   4.3335  3.0  3.75 4.75 10.5 ...
     2.5  2.5  0.0   1.0  2.5     2.5   5.0   4.0     5.5  5.5            ...
                     6.5  6.6573  9.25  9.25 11.0    12.0 11.5  11.5 12.0];

crus = zeros(2, 2);
crus(2,1:2) = [3,3];
rate = ones(nlines,1);
rate(1:4,1) = [0.95;1.05;0.95;1.05];
nlcomp = int64([4 10 12 19]);
lcomp = zeros(nlines,1,'int64');
lcomp(1:nlines,1) = [  1  2  3  4                         ...
	            14 13 12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5       ...
                    18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 15 16 17 ...
                    27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45];
nvmax = int64(5000);
nedmx = int64(1000);
itrace = int64(-1);
user = [23.5; 9.5; 9.5; 6.5];

% Generate boundary mesh
[nvb, coor, nedge, edge, user, ifail] = ...
d06ba( ...
       coorch, line, @fbnd, crus, rate, nlcomp, lcomp, nvmax, ...
       nedmx, itrace, 'user', user);

i = int64(0);
k = int64(0);
fig1 = figure;
hold on;
title('Boundary Mesh');

for seg = 1:4
  i0 = i;
  for j = k+1:k+nlcomp(seg)
    i = i + line(1,lcomp(j,1));
  k = k + nlcomp(seg);
  i = i - nlcomp(seg);
  segl = i - i0;
  for j = 1:segl
    segx(j) = coor(1,i0+j);
    segy(j) = coor(2,i0+j);
  segx(segl+1) = segx(1);
  segy(segl+1) = segy(1);
axis equal tight;

% generate Delauney-Voronoi mesh using logo boundary
npropa = int64(1);
itrace = int64(0);
weight = [];
[nv, nelt, coor, conn, ifail] = ...
d06ab( ...
       nvb, edge, coor, weight, npropa, itrace,'nedge',nedge);

% Plot mesh
fig2 = figure;
triplot(transpose(double(conn(:,1:nelt))), coor(1,:), coor(2,:));
title('Delauney-Voronoi Mesh');
axis equal tight;

fprintf('\nComplete mesh characteristics for Delauney-Voronoi mesh:\n');
fprintf('Number of vertices    = %4d\n',nv);
fprintf('Number of elements    = %4d\n',nelt);

% generate 2D advancing front mesh on logo
[nv, nelt, coor, conn, ifail] = ...
d06ac( ...
       nvb, edge(:,1:nedge), coor, weight, itrace);

% Plot mesh
fig3 = figure;
triplot(transpose(double(conn(:,1:nelt))), coor(1,:), coor(2,:));
title('Advancing Front Mesh');
axis equal tight;

fprintf('\nComplete mesh characteristics for advancing front mesh:\n');
fprintf('Number of vertices    = %4d\n',nv);
fprintf('Number of elements    = %4d\n',nelt);

function [result, user] = fbnd(i, x, y, user)
  xa = user(1);
  xb = user(2);
  x0 = user(3);
  y0 = user(4);

  result = 0;
  if (i == 1)
    % line 1,2,3, and 4: ellipse centred in (x0,y0) with
    % xa and xb as coefficients
    result = ((x-x0)/xa)^2 + ((y-y0)/xb)^2 - 1;
  elseif (i == 2)
    % line 24, 27, 33 and 38 are a circle centred in (x0,y0)
    % with radius sqrt(radius2)
    x0 = 0.5;
    y0 = 6.25;
    radius2 = 20.3125;
    result = (x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2 - radius2;
  elseif (i == 3)
    x0 = 1;
    y0 = 4;
    radius2 = 9 + (11-y0)^2;
    result = (x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2 - radius2;
  elseif (i == 4)
    x0 = 8.5;
    y0 = 2.75;
    radius2 = (x0-5)^2 + (11-y0)^2;
    result = (x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2 - radius2;
  elseif (i == 5)
    x0 = 8.5;
    y0 = 4;
    radius2 = 2.5^2 + (10-y0)^2;
    result = (x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2 - radius2;
  elseif (i == 6)
    x0 = 8.5;
    y0 = 5.75;
    result = ((x-x0)/3.5)^2 + ((y-y0)/2.75)^2 - 1;
  elseif (i == 7)
    x0 = 17.5;
    y0 = 2.5;
    result = ((x-x0)/3.5)^2 + ((y-y0)/2.5)^2 - 1;
  elseif (i == 8)
    x0 = 17.5;
    y0 = 2.5;
    result = ((x-x0)/2)^2 + ((y-y0)/1.5)^2 - 1;
  elseif (i == 9)
    x0 = 17.5;
    y0 = 5.5;
    result = ((x-x0)/1.5)^2 + ((y-y0)/0.5)^2 - 1;
  elseif (i == 10)
    x0 = 17.5;
    y0 = 5.5;
    result = ((x-x0)/3)^2 + ((y-y0)/1.5)^2 - 1;
  elseif (i == 11)
    x0 = 17.0;
    y0 = 5.5;
    result = ((x-x0))^2 + ((y-y0))^2 - 1;
  elseif (i == 12)
    x0 = 16;
    y0 = 5.5;
    result = ((x-x0)/1.5)^2 + ((y-y0)/1.1573)^2 - 1;
  elseif (i == 13)
    x0 = 17;
    y0 = 9.25;
    result = ((x-x0)/3)^2 + ((y-y0)/2.75)^2 - 1;
d06ba example results

 Analysis of the boundary created:
 The boundary mesh contains    332 vertices and    332 edges
 There are      4 components comprising the boundary:
 The  1-st component contains      4 lines in anticlockwise orientation
 The  2-nd component contains     10 lines in     clockwise orientation
 The  3-rd component contains     12 lines in anticlockwise orientation
 The  4-th component contains     19 lines in     clockwise orientation

Complete mesh characteristics for Delauney-Voronoi mesh:
Number of vertices    =  904
Number of elements    = 1480

Complete mesh characteristics for advancing front mesh:
Number of vertices    =  924
Number of elements    = 1520

PDF version (NAG web site, 64-bit version, 64-bit version)
Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2009–2015