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NAG Toolbox

NAG Toolbox: nag_pde_1d_parab_euler_hll (d03pw)


    1  Purpose
    2  Syntax
    7  Accuracy
    9  Example


nag_pde_1d_parab_euler_hll (d03pw) calculates a numerical flux function using a modified HLL (Harten–Lax–van Leer) Approximate Riemann Solver for the Euler equations in conservative form. It is designed primarily for use with the upwind discretization schemes nag_pde_1d_parab_convdiff (d03pf), nag_pde_1d_parab_convdiff_dae (d03pl) or nag_pde_1d_parab_convdiff_remesh (d03ps), but may also be applicable to other conservative upwind schemes requiring numerical flux functions.


[flux, ifail] = d03pw(uleft, uright, gamma)
[flux, ifail] = nag_pde_1d_parab_euler_hll(uleft, uright, gamma)


nag_pde_1d_parab_euler_hll (d03pw) calculates a numerical flux function at a single spatial point using a modified HLL (Harten–Lax–van Leer) Approximate Riemann Solver (see Toro (1992), Toro (1996) and Toro et al. (1994)) for the Euler equations (for a perfect gas) in conservative form. You must supply the left and right solution values at the point where the numerical flux is required, i.e., the initial left and right states of the Riemann problem defined below. In nag_pde_1d_parab_convdiff (d03pf), nag_pde_1d_parab_convdiff_dae (d03pl) and nag_pde_1d_parab_convdiff_remesh (d03ps), the left and right solution values are derived automatically from the solution values at adjacent spatial points and supplied to the function argument numflx from which you may call nag_pde_1d_parab_euler_hll (d03pw).
The Euler equations for a perfect gas in conservative form are:
U t + F x =0, (1)
U= ρ m e   and  F= m m2ρ+γ-1 e-m22 ρ meρ+mργ-1 e-m22ρ , (2)
where ρ is the density, m is the momentum, e is the specific total energy and γ is the (constant) ratio of specific heats. The pressure p is given by
p=γ-1 e-ρu22 , (3)
where u=m/ρ is the velocity.
The function calculates an approximation to the numerical flux function FUL,UR=FU*UL,UR, where U=UL and U=UR are the left and right solution values, and U*UL,UR is the intermediate state ω0 arising from the similarity solution Uy,t=ωy/t of the Riemann problem defined by
U t + F y =0, (4)
with U and F as in (2), and initial piecewise constant values U=UL for y<0 and U=UR for y>0. The spatial domain is -<y<, where y=0 is the point at which the numerical flux is required.


Toro E F (1992) The weighted average flux method applied to the Euler equations Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A341 499–530
Toro E F (1996) Riemann Solvers and Upwind Methods for Fluid Dynamics Springer–Verlag
Toro E F, Spruce M and Spears W (1994) Restoration of the contact surface in the HLL Riemann solver J. Shock Waves 4 25–34


Compulsory Input Parameters

1:     uleft3 – double array
ulefti must contain the left value of the component Ui, for i=1,2,3. That is, uleft1 must contain the left value of ρ, uleft2 must contain the left value of m and uleft3 must contain the left value of e.
  • uleft10.0;
  • Left pressure, pl0.0, where pl is calculated using (3).
2:     uright3 – double array
urighti must contain the right value of the component Ui, for i=1,2,3. That is, uright1 must contain the right value of ρ, uright2 must contain the right value of m and uright3 must contain the right value of e.
  • uright10.0;
  • Right pressure, pr0.0, where pr is calculated using (3).
3:     gamma – double scalar
The ratio of specific heats, γ.
Constraint: gamma>0.0.

Optional Input Parameters


Output Parameters

1:     flux3 – double array
fluxi contains the numerical flux component F^i, for i=1,2,3.
2:     ifail int64int32nag_int scalar
ifail=0 unless the function detects an error (see Error Indicators and Warnings).

Error Indicators and Warnings

Errors or warnings detected by the function:
On entry,gamma0.0.
On entry,the left and/or right density or derived pressure value is less than 0.0.
An unexpected error has been triggered by this routine. Please contact NAG.
Your licence key may have expired or may not have been installed correctly.
Dynamic memory allocation failed.


nag_pde_1d_parab_euler_hll (d03pw) performs an exact calculation of the HLL (Harten–Lax–van Leer) numerical flux function, and so the result will be accurate to machine precision.

Further Comments

nag_pde_1d_parab_euler_hll (d03pw) must only be used to calculate the numerical flux for the Euler equations in exactly the form given by (2), with ulefti and urighti containing the left and right values of ρ,m and e, for i=1,2,3, respectively. The time taken is independent of the input arguments.


This example uses nag_pde_1d_parab_convdiff_dae (d03pl) and nag_pde_1d_parab_euler_hll (d03pw) to solve the Euler equations in the domain 0x1 for 0<t0.035 with initial conditions for the primitive variables ρx,t, ux,t and px,t given by
ρx,0=5.99924, ux,0=-19.5975, px,0=460.894,   for ​x<0.5, ρx,0=5.99242, ux,0=-6.19633, px,0=046.095,   for ​x>0.5.  
This test problem is taken from Toro (1996) and its solution represents the collision of two strong shocks travelling in opposite directions, consisting of a left facing shock (travelling slowly to the right), a right travelling contact discontinuity and a right travelling shock wave. There is an exact solution to this problem (see Toro (1996)) but the calculation is lengthy and has therefore been omitted.
function d03pw_example

fprintf('d03pw example results\n\n');

global gamma rl0 rr0 ul0 ur0 el0 er0;

% Problem parameters
alpha_l = 460.894;
alpha_r = 46.095;
beta_l  = 19.5975;
beta_r  =  6.19633;
gamma  =   1.4;
rl0    =   5.99924;
rr0    =   5.99242;
ul0    = 117.5701059;
ur0    = -37.1310118186;
el0    = alpha_l/(gamma-1) + rl0*beta_l^2/2;
er0    = alpha_r/(gamma-1) + rr0*beta_r^2/2;

npde  = int64(3);
npts  = int64(141);
ncode = int64(0);
nxi   = int64(0);
neqn  = npde*npts+ncode;
ts    = 0;
xi    = [];
itol = int64(1);
atol = [0.005];
rtol = [0.0005];
norm_p = '2';
laopt = 'B';
algopt = zeros(30,1);
algopt(1) = 2;
algopt(6) = 2;
algopt(7) = 2;
algopt(13) = 0.005;
rsave  = zeros(21000, 1);
isave  = zeros(25700, 1, 'int64');
itask  = int64(1);
itrace = int64(0);
ind    = int64(0);

% Initial mesh and solution
dx = 1/(double(npts)-1);
x  = [0:dx:1];
u = uvinit(x);

u1sol = zeros(35,npts);
u2sol = zeros(35,npts);
u3sol = zeros(35,npts);
xsol = zeros(35,npts);
tsol = zeros(35,npts);

for j=1:35
  tout = 0.001*j;
  [ts, u, rsave, isave, ind, ifail] = ...
  d03pl( ...
         npde, ts, tout, 'd03plp', @numflx, @bndary, u, x, ncode, ...
         'd03pek', xi, rtol, atol, itol, norm_p, laopt, ...
         algopt, rsave, isave, itask, itrace, ind,'nxi',nxi);

  xsol(j,:) = x;
  tsol(j,:) = ts;
  u1sol(j,:) = u(1,:);
  u2sol(j,:) = u(2,:)./u(1,:);
  u3sol(j,:) = 0.4*u(1,:).*(u(3,:)./u(1,:)-u2sol(j,:).^2/2);

nsteps = 50*((isave(1)+25)/50);
nfuncs = 50*((isave(2)+25)/50);
njacs = isave(3);
niters = isave(5);
fprintf('\n Number of time steps           (nearest 50) = %6d\n',nsteps);
fprintf(' Number of function evaluations (nearest 50) = %6d\n',nfuncs);
fprintf(' Number of Jacobian evaluations (nearest  1) = %6d\n',njacs);
fprintf(' Number of iterations           (nearest  1) = %6d\n',niters);

title('Collision of two strong shocks, density');

title('Collision of two strong shocks, velocity');

title('Collision of two strong shocks, pressure');

function [g, iresout] = bndary(npde, npts, t, x, u, ncode, ...
                               v, vdot, ibnd, ires)
  global rl0 rr0 ul0 ur0 el0 er0;

  if (ibnd == 0)
    g(1) = u(1,1) - rl0;
    g(2) = u(2,1) - ul0;
    g(3) = u(3,1) - el0;
    g(1) = u(1,npts) - rr0;
    g(2) = u(2,npts) - ur0;
    g(3) = u(3,npts) - er0;
  iresout = ires;

function [flux, ires] = numflx(npde, t, x, ncode, v, uleft, uright, ires)

  global gamma;

  % Modified Harten-Lax-van Leer approximate Reimann solver.

  [flux, ifail] = d03pw( ...
                         uleft, uright, gamma);

function [u] = uvinit(x)

  global rl0 rr0 ul0 ur0 el0 er0;

  n = size(x,2);
  u = zeros(3,n);
  for i = 1:n
    if x(i)<1/2
      u(1,i) = rl0;
      u(2,i) = ul0;
      u(3,i) = el0;
    elseif x(i)== 1/2
      u(1,i) = (rl0+rr0)/2;
      u(2,i) = (ul0+ur0)/2;
      u(3,i) = (el0+er0)/2;
      u(1,i) = rr0;
      u(2,i) = ur0;
      u(3,i) = er0;
d03pw example results

 Number of time steps           (nearest 50) =    800
 Number of function evaluations (nearest 50) =   1950
 Number of Jacobian evaluations (nearest  1) =      1
 Number of iterations           (nearest  1) =      2

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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2009–2015