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NAG Toolbox: nag_pde_1d_blackscholes_fd (d03nc)


    1  Purpose
    2  Syntax
    7  Accuracy
    9  Example


nag_pde_1d_blackscholes_fd (d03nc) solves the Black–Scholes equation for financial option pricing using a finite difference scheme.


[s, t, f, theta, delta, gamma, lambda, rho, ifail] = d03nc(kopt, x, mesh, s, t, tdpar, r, q, sigma, ntkeep, 'ns', ns, 'nt', nt, 'alpha', alpha)
[s, t, f, theta, delta, gamma, lambda, rho, ifail] = nag_pde_1d_blackscholes_fd(kopt, x, mesh, s, t, tdpar, r, q, sigma, ntkeep, 'ns', ns, 'nt', nt, 'alpha', alpha)


nag_pde_1d_blackscholes_fd (d03nc) solves the Black–Scholes equation (see Hull (1989) and Wilmott et al. (1995))
f t +r-qS f S +σ2S22 2f S2 =rf (1)
Smin<S<Smax,  tmin<t<tmax, (2)
for the value f of a European or American, put or call stock option, with exercise price X. In equation (1) t is time, S is the stock price, r is the risk free interest rate, q is the continuous dividend, and σ is the stock volatility. According to the values in the array tdpar, the arguments r, q and σ may each be either constant or functions of time. The function also returns values of various Greeks.
nag_pde_1d_blackscholes_fd (d03nc) uses a finite difference method with a choice of time-stepping schemes. The method is explicit for alpha=0.0 and implicit for nonzero values of alpha. Second order time accuracy can be obtained by setting alpha=0.5. According to the value of the argument mesh the finite difference mesh may be either uniform, or user-defined in both S and t directions.


Hull J (1989) Options, Futures and Other Derivative Securities Prentice–Hall
Wilmott P, Howison S and Dewynne J (1995) The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives Cambridge University Press


Compulsory Input Parameters

1:     kopt int64int32nag_int scalar
Specifies the kind of option to be valued.
A European call option.
An American call option.
A European put option.
An American put option.
Constraint: kopt=1, 2, 3 or 4.
2:     x – double scalar
The exercise price X.
3:     mesh – string (length ≥ 1)
Indicates the type of finite difference mesh to be used:
Uniform mesh.
Custom mesh supplied by you.
Constraint: mesh='U' or 'C'.
4:     sns – double array
If mesh='C', si must contain the ith stock price in the mesh, for i=1,2,,ns. These values should be in increasing order, with s1=Smin and sns=Smax.
If mesh='U', s1 must be set to Smin and sns to Smax, but s2,s3,,sns-1 need not be initialized, as they will be set internally by the function in order to define a uniform mesh.
  • if mesh='C', s10.0 and si<si+1, for i=1,2,,ns-1;
  • if mesh='U', 0.0s1<sns.
5:     tnt – double array
If mesh='C' then tj must contain the jth time in the mesh, for j=1,2,,nt. These values should be in increasing order, with t1=tmin and tnt=tmax.
If mesh='U' then t1 must be set to tmin and tnt to tmax, but t2,t3,,tnt-1 need not be initialized, as they will be set internally by the function in order to define a uniform mesh.
  • if mesh='C', t10.0 and tj<tj+1, for j=1,2,,nt-1;
  • if mesh='U', 0.0t1<tnt.
6:     tdpar3 – logical array
Specifies whether or not various arguments are time-dependent. More precisely, r is time-dependent if tdpar1=true and constant otherwise. Similarly, tdpar2 specifies whether q is time-dependent and tdpar3 specifies whether σ is time-dependent.
7:     r: – double array
The dimension of the array r must be at least nt if tdpar1=true, and at least 1 otherwise
If tdpar1=true then rj must contain the value of the risk-free interest rate rt at the jth time in the mesh, for j=1,2,,nt.
If tdpar1=false then r1 must contain the constant value of the risk-free interest rate r. The remaining elements need not be set.
8:     q: – double array
The dimension of the array q must be at least nt if tdpar2=true, and at least 1 otherwise
If tdpar2=true then qj must contain the value of the continuous dividend qt at the jth time in the mesh, for j=1,2,,nt.
If tdpar2=false then q1 must contain the constant value of the continuous dividend q. The remaining elements need not be set.
9:     sigma: – double array
The dimension of the array sigma must be at least nt if tdpar3=true, and at least 1 otherwise
If tdpar3=true then sigmaj must contain the value of the volatility σt at the jth time in the mesh, for j=1,2,,nt.
If tdpar3=false then sigma1 must contain the constant value of the volatility σ. The remaining elements need not be set.
10:   ntkeep int64int32nag_int scalar
The number of solutions to be stored in the time direction. The function calculates the solution backwards from tnt to t1 at all times in the mesh. These time solutions and the corresponding Greeks will be stored at times ti, for i=1,2,,ntkeep, in the arrays f, theta, delta, gamma, lambda and rho. Other time solutions will be discarded. To store all time solutions set ntkeep=nt.
Constraint: 1ntkeepnt.

Optional Input Parameters

1:     ns int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the dimension of the array s.
The number of stock prices to be used in the finite difference mesh.
Constraint: ns2.
2:     nt int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the dimension of the array t.
The number of time-steps to be used in the finite difference method.
Constraint: nt2.
3:     alpha – double scalar
Default: 0.55
The value of λ to be used in the time-stepping scheme. Typical values include:
Explicit forward Euler scheme.
Implicit Crank–Nicolson scheme.
Implicit backward Euler scheme.
The value 0.5 gives second-order accuracy in time. Values greater than 0.5 give unconditional stability. Since 0.5 is at the limit of unconditional stability this value does not damp oscillations.
Constraint: 0.0alpha1.0.

Output Parameters

1:     sns – double array
If mesh='U', the elements of s define a uniform mesh over Smin,Smax.
If mesh='C', the elements of s are unchanged.
2:     tnt – double array
If mesh='U', the elements of t define a uniform mesh over tmin,tmax.
If mesh='C', the elements of t are unchanged.
3:     fldfntkeep – double array
fij, for i=1,2,,ns and j=1,2,,ntkeep, contains the value f of the option at the ith mesh point si at time tj.
4:     thetaldfntkeep – double array
5:     deltaldfntkeep – double array
6:     gammaldfntkeep – double array
7:     lambdaldfntkeep – double array
8:     rholdfntkeep – double array
The values of various Greeks at the ith mesh point si at time tj, as follows:
thetaij= f t , deltaij= f S , gammaij= 2f S2 , lambdaij= f σ , rhoij= f r .  
9:     ifail int64int32nag_int scalar
ifail=0 unless the function detects an error (see Error Indicators and Warnings).

Error Indicators and Warnings

Errors or warnings detected by the function:
On entry,kopt<1,
ormesh'U' or 'C',
mesh='U' and the constraints:
  • s1<sns,
  • t1<tnt
are violated. Thus the end points of the uniform mesh are not in order.
mesh='C' and the constraints:
  • si<si+1, for i=1,2,,ns-1,
  • ti<ti+1, for i=1,2,,nt-1 
are violated. Thus the mesh points are not in order.
An unexpected error has been triggered by this routine. Please contact NAG.
Your licence key may have expired or may not have been installed correctly.
Dynamic memory allocation failed.


The accuracy of the solution f and the various derivatives returned by the function is dependent on the values of ns and nt supplied, the distribution of the mesh points, and the value of alpha chosen. For most choices of alpha the solution has a truncation error which is second-order accurate in S and first order accurate in t. For alpha=0.5 the truncation error is also second-order accurate in t.
The simplest approach to improving the accuracy is to increase the values of both ns and nt.

Further Comments


Each time-step requires the construction and solution of a tridiagonal system of linear equations. To calculate each of the derivatives lambda and rho requires a repetition of the entire solution process. The time taken for a call to the function is therefore proportional to ns×nt.

Algorithmic Details

nag_pde_1d_blackscholes_fd (d03nc) solves equation (1) using a finite difference method. The solution is computed backwards in time from tmax to tmin using a λ scheme, which is implicit for all nonzero values of λ, and is unconditionally stable for values of λ>0.5. For each time-step a tridiagonal system is constructed and solved to obtain the solution at the earlier time. For the explicit scheme (λ=0) this tridiagonal system degenerates to a diagonal matrix and is solved trivially. For American options the solution at each time-step is inspected to check whether early exercise is beneficial, and amended accordingly.
To compute the arrays lambda and rho, which are derivatives of the stock value f with respect to the problem arguments σ and r respectively, the entire solution process is repeated with perturbed values of these arguments.


This example, taken from Hull (1989), solves the one-dimensional Black–Scholes equation for valuation of a 5-month American put option on a non-dividend-paying stock with an exercise price of $50. The risk-free interest rate is 10% per annum, and the stock volatility is 40% per annum.
A fully implicit backward Euler scheme is used, with a mesh of 20 stock price intervals and 10 time intervals.
function d03nc_example

fprintf('d03nc example results\n\n');

% American put option with exercise price 50
kopt = int64(4);
x    = 50;

% Use uniform mesh of 21 stock prices [0:100] and 11 time-steps [0:0.416667]
mesh = 'U';
n    = 21;
nt   = 11;
s    = zeros(n,1);
s(n) = 100;
t    = zeros(nt,1);
t(nt) = 0.4166667;

% Parameters are not time-dependent
tdpar = [false; false; false];
r     = [0.1];
q     = [0];
sigma = [0.4];

% Keep 4 solutions in time and use backward Euler scheme.
ntkeep = int64(4);
alpha  = 1;

[s, t, f, theta, delta, gamma, lambda, rho, ifail] = ...
          kopt, x, mesh, s, t, tdpar, r, q, sigma, ntkeep,'alpha',alpha);

disp('         Option Values');
disp('  Stock Price  |   Time to Maturity (months)');
for i = 1:n
  fprintf('%12.0f%4s', s(i), '|');
  fprintf(' %12.5f', f(i,:));

fig1 = figure;
title('Option values and greeks at 5 months to maturity');
xlabel('stock price');
ylabel('values and derivatives');

d03nc example results

         Option Values
  Stock Price  |   Time to Maturity (months)
               |         5.0         4.5         4.0         3.5
           0   |     50.00000     50.00000     50.00000     50.00000
           5   |     45.00000     45.00000     45.00000     45.00000
          10   |     40.00000     40.00000     40.00000     40.00000
          15   |     35.00000     35.00000     35.00000     35.00000
          20   |     30.00000     30.00000     30.00000     30.00000
          25   |     25.00000     25.00000     25.00000     25.00000
          30   |     20.00000     20.00000     20.00000     20.00000
          35   |     15.00000     15.00000     15.00000     15.00000
          40   |     10.15432     10.09580     10.04640     10.01169
          45   |      6.58481      6.44237      6.29161      6.13058
          50   |      4.06719      3.87850      3.67292      3.44630
          55   |      2.42637      2.24235      2.04536      1.83361
          60   |      1.41742      1.26619      1.10958      0.94813
          65   |      0.81951      0.70724      0.59532      0.48515
          70   |      0.47241      0.39411      0.31904      0.24845
          75   |      0.27257      0.22016      0.17174      0.12815
          80   |      0.15725      0.12328      0.09294      0.06668
          85   |      0.08966      0.06848      0.05010      0.03473
          90   |      0.04845      0.03625      0.02590      0.01747
          95   |      0.02110      0.01558      0.01097      0.00727
         100   |      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000

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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2009–2015