NAG fl90 Library

Chapter 29: Time Series Analysis - Examples

Module 29.3: nag_tsa_spectral - Time Series Spectral Analysis
Example Text
Example Data
Calculation of the smoothed sample spectrum of a univariate time series
Example Text
Example Data
Calculation of the smoothed sample cross spectrum of a bivariate time series
Example Text
Example Data
Calculation of the squared coherency and the impulse causal response function
Example Text
Example Data
Computes the univariate spectrum together with the optional 95% confidence multiplying limits, statistics and autocovariances for a univariate time series
Example Text
Example Data
Computes the univariate logged spectrum together with the optional 95% confidence multiplying limits, statistics and frequency width of smoothing window for a univariate time series. No smoothing is carried out
Example Text
Example Data
Computes the univariate spectrum together with the optional 95% confidence multiplying limits and statistics for a univariate time series using autocovariances data
Example Text
Example Data
Computes the cross spectrum and the optional cross covariances for a bivariate time series
Example Text
Example Data
Computes the cross spectrum for a bivariate time series using autocovariances data
Example Text
Example Data
Computes the squared coherency together with the optional squared coherency lower and upper bounds, the cross amplitude spectrum and its bounds, the gain and the phase and their bounds for a univariate and bivariate spectra
Example Text
Example Data
Computes the optional noise spectrum and its lower and upper bounds, the impulse causal and anticipatory response function and its standard error for a linear system

Chapter 29 Contents
Release 4 Table of Contents
© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2003