NAG fl90 Library

Chapter 13: Partial Differential Equations (PDE's) - Examples

Module 13.3: nag_pde_parab_1d - Parabolic PDE's in One Space Variable
Example Text
Elliptic-parabolic PDEs solved using finite difference scheme and the BDF method
Example Text
Elliptic-parabolic PDEs solved using collocation scheme and the BDF method
Example Text
Coupled PDE/ODE system solved using finite difference scheme and the BDF method
Example Text
Parabolic equation solved using finite difference scheme and remeshing with the BDF method
Example Text
Elliptic-parabolic PDEs solved using collocation scheme and the BDF method
Example Text
Coupled PDE/ODE system solved using finite difference scheme and remeshing. This problem consists of a simple coupled system of one PDE and one ODE
Example Text
Coupled PDE/ODE system solved using finite difference scheme and the Theta method. This is the same example as the third example, but this one is solved using the Theta method to solve the ODE system
Example Text
Parabolic equation solved using finite difference scheme and remeshing with the Theta method. This is the same example as the fourth example, but this one is solved using the Theta method to solve the ODE system
Example Text
Elliptic-parabolic PDEs solved using collocation scheme and the Theta method .This is the same example as the fifth example, but this one is solved using the Theta method to solve the ODE system

Chapter 13 Contents
Release 4 Table of Contents
© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2003