D04BAF Example Program Results

  Find the derivatives of the polygamma (psi) function
  using function values generated by S14AEF.

  Demonstrate the effect of successively reducing HBASE.

  Derivative (1) calculated using S14AEF :  4.0153E+02
  Derivative and error estimates for derivative (1)
          hbase       DER(1)     EREST(1)
     2.5000E-03   4.0204E+02   1.3940E+02
     2.5000E-04   4.0153E+02   4.9170E-11
     2.5000E-05   4.0153E+02   2.1799E-10
     2.5000E-06   4.0153E+02   1.1826E-09

  Derivative (2) calculated using S14AEF : -1.6002E+04
  Derivative and error estimates for derivative (2)
          hbase       DER(2)     EREST(2)
     2.5000E-03  -1.6022E+04   5.5760E+03
     2.5000E-04  -1.6002E+04   1.2831E-07
     2.5000E-05  -1.6002E+04   6.0543E-06
     2.5000E-06  -1.6002E+04   9.5762E-04

  Derivative (3) calculated using S14AEF :  9.6001E+05
  Derivative and error estimates for derivative (3)
          hbase       DER(3)     EREST(3)
     2.5000E-03   9.1465E+05  -7.3750E+06
     2.5000E-04   9.6001E+05   2.3718E-04
     2.5000E-05   9.6001E+05   4.2253E-02
     2.5000E-06   9.6001E+05   5.9679E+01