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GAMS Classification for the NAG Library
NAG Library Manual

D1a : Elementary vector operations

D1a1:  Set to constant  (5 routines)
D1a2:  Minimum and maximum components  (14 routines)
D1a3:  Norm  (15 routines)
D1a4:  Dot product (inner product)  (8 routines)
D1a5:  Copy or exchange (swap)  (6 routines)
D1a6:  Multiplication by scalar  (10 routines)
D1a7:  Triad (α x+y for vectors x, y and scalar α)  (8 routines)
D1a8:  Elementary rotation (Givens transformation)  (15 routines)
D1a9:  Elementary reflection (Householder transformation)  (6 routines)
D1a10:  Convolutions  (2 routines)
D1a11:  Other vector operations  (10 routines)

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GAMS Classification for the NAG Library
NAG Library Manual

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2013