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Keyword Index for the NAG Library Manual
NAG Library Manual

Keyword : Factorization

F01BRF   LU factorization of real sparse matrix
F01BSF   LU factorization of real sparse matrix with known sparsity pattern
F01LEF   LU factorization of real tridiagonal matrix
F01LHF   LU factorization of real almost block diagonal matrix
F01MCF   LDLT factorization of real symmetric positive definite variable-bandwidth matrix
F01QGF   RQ factorization of real m by n upper trapezoidal matrix mn
F01QJF   RQ factorization of real m by n matrix mn
F01QKF   Operations with orthogonal matrices, form rows of Q, after RQ factorization by F01QJF
F01RGF   RQ factorization of complex m by n upper trapezoidal matrix mn
F01RJF   RQ factorization of complex m by n matrix mn
F01RKF   Operations with unitary matrices, form rows of Q, after RQ factorization by F01RJF
F02WDF   QR factorization, possibly followed by SVD
F03BAF   Determinant of real matrix, matrix already factorized by F07ADF
F03BFF   Determinant of real symmetric positive definite matrix
F03BHF   Determinant of real symmetric positive definite banded matrix
F03BNF   Determinant of complex matrix
F06QPF   QR factorization by sequence of plane rotations, rank-1 update of real upper triangular matrix
F06QQF   QR factorization by sequence of plane rotations, real upper triangular matrix augmented by a full row
F06QRF   QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, real upper Hessenberg matrix
F06QSF   QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, real upper spiked matrix
F06QTF   QR factorization of UP or RQ factorization of PU, U real upper triangular, P a sequence of plane rotations
F06TPF   QR factorization by sequence of plane rotations, rank-1 update of complex upper triangular matrix
F06TQF   QR factorization by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper triangular matrix augmented by a full row
F06TRF   QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper Hessenberg matrix
F06TSF   QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper spiked matrix
F06TTF   QR factorization of UP or RQ factorization of PU, U complex upper triangular, P a sequence of plane rotations
F07ADF   LU factorization of real m by n matrix
F07ARF   LU factorization of complex m by n matrix
F07BDF   LU factorization of real m by n band matrix
F07BRF   LU factorization of complex m by n band matrix
F07CDF   LU factorization of real tridiagonal matrix
F07CRF   LU factorization of complex tridiagonal matrix
F07FDF   Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive definite matrix
F07FRF   Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix
F07GDF   Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive definite matrix, packed storage
F07GRF   Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, packed storage
F07HDF   Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive definite band matrix
F07HRF   Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive definite band matrix
F07JDF   Computes the modified Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal matrix
F07JRF   Computes the modified Cholesky factorization of a complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal matrix
F07KDF   Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive semidefinite matrix
F07KRF   Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive semidefinite matrix
F07MDF   Bunch–Kaufman factorization of real symmetric indefinite matrix
F07MRF   Bunch–Kaufman factorization of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix
F07NRF   Bunch–Kaufman factorization of complex symmetric matrix
F07PDF   Bunch–Kaufman factorization of real symmetric indefinite matrix, packed storage
F07PRF   Bunch–Kaufman factorization of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, packed storage
F07QRF   Bunch–Kaufman factorization of complex symmetric matrix, packed storage
F07WDF   Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive definite matrix, Rectangular Full Packed format
F07WRF   Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, Rectangular Full Packed format
F08AEF   QR factorization of real general rectangular matrix
F08AFF   Form all or part of orthogonal Q from QR factorization determined by F08AEF, F08BEF or F08BFF
F08AHF   LQ factorization of real general rectangular matrix
F08AJF   Form all or part of orthogonal Q from LQ factorization determined by F08AHF
F08ASF   QR factorization of complex general rectangular matrix
F08ATF   Form all or part of unitary Q from QR factorization determined by F08ASF, F08BSF or F08BTF
F08AVF   LQ factorization of complex general rectangular matrix
F08AWF   Form all or part of unitary Q from LQ factorization determined by F08AVF
F08BEF   QR factorization of real general rectangular matrix with column pivoting
F08BFF   QR factorization of real general rectangular matrix with column pivoting, using BLAS-3
F08BSF   QR factorization of complex general rectangular matrix with column pivoting
F08BTF   QR factorization of complex general rectangular matrix with column pivoting, using BLAS-3
F08CEF   QL factorization of real general rectangular matrix
F08CFF   Form all or part of orthogonal Q from QL factorization determined by F08CEF
F08CHF   RQ factorization of real general rectangular matrix
F08CJF   Form all or part of orthogonal Q from RQ factorization determined by F08CHF
F08CSF   QL factorization of complex general rectangular matrix
F08CTF   Form all or part of orthogonal Q from QL factorization determined by F08CSF
F08CVF   RQ factorization of complex general rectangular matrix
F08CWF   Form all or part of orthogonal Q from RQ factorization determined by F08CVF
F08PEF   Computes the eigenvalues and Schur factorization of real upper Hessenberg matrix reduced from real general matrix
F08PSF   Computes the eigenvalues and Schur factorization of complex upper Hessenberg matrix reduced from complex general matrix
F08QFF   Reorder Schur factorization of real matrix using orthogonal similarity transformation
F08QGF   Reorder Schur factorization of real matrix, form orthonormal basis of right invariant subspace for selected eigenvalues, with estimates of sensitivities
F08QTF   Reorder Schur factorization of complex matrix using unitary similarity transformation
F08QUF   Reorder Schur factorization of complex matrix, form orthonormal basis of right invariant subspace for selected eigenvalues, with estimates of sensitivities
F08UFF   Computes a split Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive definite band matrix A
F08UTF   Computes a split Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive definite band matrix A
F08XEF   Eigenvalues and generalized Schur factorization of real generalized upper Hessenberg form reduced from a pair of real general matrices
F08XSF   Eigenvalues and generalized Schur factorization of complex generalized upper Hessenberg form reduced from a pair of complex general matrices
F08ZEF   Computes a generalized QR factorization of a real matrix pair
F08ZFF   Computes a generalized RQ factorization of a real matrix pair
F08ZSF   Computes a generalized QR factorization of a complex matrix pair
F08ZTF   Computes a generalized RQ factorization of a complex matrix pair
F11DAF   Real sparse nonsymmetric linear systems, incomplete LU factorization
F11DFF   Real sparse nonsymmetric linear system, incomplete LU factorization of local or overlapping diagonal blocks
F11DNF   Complex sparse non-Hermitian linear systems, incomplete LU factorization
F11DTF   Complex sparse nonsymmetric linear system, incomplete LU factorization of local or overlapping diagonal blocks
F11JAF   Real sparse symmetric matrix, incomplete Cholesky factorization
F11JNF   Complex sparse Hermitian matrix, incomplete Cholesky factorization
F11MEF   LU factorization of real sparse matrix

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Keyword Index for the NAG Library Manual
NAG Library Manual

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2013