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Keyword Index for the NAG Library Manual
NAG Library Manual

Keyword : Weight

D01ANF   One-dimensional quadrature, adaptive, finite interval, weight function cosωx or sinωx
D01APF   One-dimensional quadrature, adaptive, finite interval, weight function with end-point singularities of algebraico-logarithmic type
D01AQF   One-dimensional quadrature, adaptive, finite interval, weight function 1/x-c, Cauchy principal value (Hilbert transform)
D01ASF   One-dimensional quadrature, adaptive, semi-infinite interval, weight function cosωx or sinωx
D01BCF   Calculation of weights and abscissae for Gaussian quadrature rules, general choice of rule
D01RAF   One-dimensional quadrature, adaptive, finite interval, multiple integrands, vectorized abscissae, reverse communication
D01TBF   Pre-computed weights and abscissae for Gaussian quadrature rules, restricted choice of rule
D02UYF   Clenshaw–Curtis quadrature weights for integration using computed Chebyshev coefficients
D05BWF   Generate weights for use in solving Volterra equations
D05BYF   Generate weights for use in solving weakly singular Abel-type equations
G02HBF   Robust regression, compute weights for use with G02HDF
G02HDF   Robust regression, compute regression with user-supplied functions and weights
G02HKF   Calculates a robust estimation of a correlation matrix, Huber's weight function
G02HLF   Calculates a robust estimation of a correlation matrix, user-supplied weight function plus derivatives
G02HMF   Calculates a robust estimation of a correlation matrix, user-supplied weight function
G07DBF   Robust estimation, M-estimates for location and scale parameters, standard weight functions
G07DCF   Robust estimation, M-estimates for location and scale parameters, user-defined weight functions

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Keyword Index for the NAG Library Manual
NAG Library Manual

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2013