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GAMS Classification for the NAG Library
NAG Library Manual

I2b4a : Domain triangulation (search also class P)

D03MAF    Triangulation of plane region
D06AAF    Generates a two-dimensional mesh using a simple incremental method
D06ABF    Generates a two-dimensional mesh using a Delaunay–Voronoi process
D06ACF    Generates a two-dimensional mesh using an Advancing-front method
D06BAF    Generates a boundary mesh
D06CAF    Uses a barycentering technique to smooth a given mesh
D06CBF    Generates a sparsity pattern of a Finite Element matrix associated with a given mesh
D06CCF    Renumbers a given mesh using Gibbs method
D06DAF    Generates a mesh resulting from an affine transformation of a given mesh
D06DBF    Joins together two given adjacent (possibly overlapping) meshes

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GAMS Classification for the NAG Library
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© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2013