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GAMS Classification for the NAG Library
NAG Library Manual

H2c : Service routines (e.g., compute weights and nodes for quadrature formulas)

D01BCF    Calculation of weights and abscissae for Gaussian quadrature rules, general choice of rule
D01GYF    Korobov optimal coefficients for use in D01GCF or D01GDF, when number of points is prime
D01GZF    Korobov optimal coefficients for use in D01GCF or D01GDF, when number of points is product of two primes
D01RBF    Diagnostic for D01RAF
D01RCF    Determine required array dimensions for D01RAF
D01TBF    Pre-computed weights and abscissae for Gaussian quadrature rules, restricted choice of rule
D01ZKF    Option setting
D01ZLF    Option getting

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GAMS Classification for the NAG Library
NAG Library Manual

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2013