You must supply this method to calculate the elements of the symmetric matrix
at any point x, where Gix is the Hessian matrix of fix. It should be tested separately before being used in conjunction with e04hy (see the E04 class).


public delegate void E04HY_LSHES2(
	int m,
	int n,
	double[] fvec,
	double[] xc,
	double[] b
Visual Basic
Public Delegate Sub E04HY_LSHES2 ( _
	m As Integer, _
	n As Integer, _
	fvec As Double(), _
	xc As Double(), _
	b As Double() _
Visual C++
public delegate void E04HY_LSHES2(
	int m, 
	int n, 
	array<double>^ fvec, 
	array<double>^ xc, 
	array<double>^ b
type E04HY_LSHES2 = 
    delegate of 
        m : int * 
        n : int * 
        fvec : float[] * 
        xc : float[] * 
        b : float[] -> unit


Type: System..::..Int32
On entry: m, the number of residuals.
Type: System..::..Int32
On entry: n, the number of residuals.
Type: array<System..::..Double>[]()[][]
On entry: the value of the residual fi at the point x, for i=1,2,,m, so that the values of the fi can be used in the calculation of the elements of b.
Type: array<System..::..Double>[]()[][]
On entry: the point x at which the elements of b are to be evaluated.
Type: array<System..::..Double>[]()[][]
On exit: must contain the lower triangle of the matrix Bx, evaluated at the point x, stored by rows. (The upper triangle is not required because the matrix is symmetric.) More precisely, b[jj-1/2+k-1] must contain i=1mfi2fixjxk evaluated at the point x, for j=1,2,,n and k=1,2,,j.

See Also