The method f evaluates fzi at a number of points zi.


public delegate void F01FF_F(
	ref int iflag,
	int n,
	double[] x,
	double[] fx
Visual Basic
Public Delegate Sub F01FF_F ( _
	ByRef iflag As Integer, _
	n As Integer, _
	x As Double(), _
	fx As Double() _
Visual C++
public delegate void F01FF_F(
	int% iflag, 
	int n, 
	array<double>^ x, 
	array<double>^ fx
type F01FF_F = 
    delegate of 
        iflag : int byref * 
        n : int * 
        x : float[] * 
        fx : float[] -> unit


Type: System..::..Int32%
On entry: iflag will be zero.
On exit: iflag should either be unchanged from its entry value of zero, or may be set nonzero to indicate that there is a problem in evaluating the function fx; for instance fx may not be defined, or may be complex. If iflag is returned as nonzero then f01ff will terminate the computation, with ifail=-6.
Type: System..::..Int32
On entry: n, the number of function values required.
Type: array<System..::..Double>[]()[][]
On entry: the n points x1,x2,,xn at which the function f is to be evaluated.
Type: array<System..::..Double>[]()[][]
On exit: the n function values. fx[i-1] should return the value fxi, for i=1,2,,n.

See Also