If iprint0, you must supply lsqmon which is suitable for monitoring the minimization process. lsqmon must not change the values of any of its parameters.
If iprint<0, the dummy method E04FDZ can be used as lsqmon.


public delegate void E04HE_LSQMON(
	int m,
	int n,
	double[] xc,
	double[] fvec,
	double[,] fjac,
	double[] s,
	int igrade,
	int niter,
	int nf
Visual Basic
Public Delegate Sub E04HE_LSQMON ( _
	m As Integer, _
	n As Integer, _
	xc As Double(), _
	fvec As Double(), _
	fjac As Double(,), _
	s As Double(), _
	igrade As Integer, _
	niter As Integer, _
	nf As Integer _
Visual C++
public delegate void E04HE_LSQMON(
	int m, 
	int n, 
	array<double>^ xc, 
	array<double>^ fvec, 
	array<double,2>^ fjac, 
	array<double>^ s, 
	int igrade, 
	int niter, 
	int nf
type E04HE_LSQMON = 
    delegate of 
        m : int * 
        n : int * 
        xc : float[] * 
        fvec : float[] * 
        fjac : float[,] * 
        s : float[] * 
        igrade : int * 
        niter : int * 
        nf : int -> unit


Type: System..::..Int32
On entry: m, the numbers of residuals.
Type: System..::..Int32
On entry: n, the numbers of variables.
Type: array<System..::..Double>[]()[][]
On entry: the coordinates of the current point x.
Type: array<System..::..Double>[]()[][]
On entry: the values of the residuals fi at the current point x.
Type: array<System..::..Double,2>[,](,)[,][,]
On entry: fjac[i-1,j-1] contains the value of fixj at the current point x, for i=1,2,,m and j=1,2,,n.
Type: array<System..::..Double>[]()[][]
On entry: the singular values of the current Jacobian matrix. Thus s may be useful as information about the structure of your problem. (If iprint>0, lsqmon is called at the initial point before the singular values have been calculated, so the elements of s are set to zero for the first call of lsqmon.)
Type: System..::..Int32
On entry: e04he estimates the dimension of the subspace for which the Jacobian matrix can be used as a valid approximation to the curvature (see Gill and Murray (1978)). This estimate is called the grade of the Jacobian matrix, and igrade gives its current value.
Type: System..::..Int32
On entry: the number of iterations which have been performed in e04he.
Type: System..::..Int32
On entry: the number of times that lsqfun has been called so far. Thus nf gives the number of evaluations of the residuals and the Jacobian matrix.

See Also