nag_dgebal (f08nhc) balances a real general matrix
. The term ‘balancing’ covers two steps, each of which involves a similarity transformation of
. The function can perform either or both of these steps.
1. |
The function first attempts to permute to block upper triangular form by a similarity transformation:
where is a permutation matrix, and and are upper triangular. Then the diagonal elements of and are eigenvalues of . The rest of the eigenvalues of are the eigenvalues of the central diagonal block , in rows and columns to . Subsequent operations to compute the eigenvalues of (or its Schur factorization) need only be applied to these rows and columns; this can save a significant amount of work if and . If no suitable permutation exists (as is often the case), the function sets and , and is the whole of . |
2. |
The function applies a diagonal similarity transformation to , to make the rows and columns of as close in norm as possible:
This scaling can reduce the norm of the matrix (i.e., ) and hence reduce the effect of rounding errors on the accuracy of computed eigenvalues and eigenvectors. |
The errors are negligible.
Please consult the
x06 Chapter Introduction for information on how to control and interrogate the OpenMP environment used within this function. Please also consult the
Users' Note for your implementation for any additional implementation-specific information.
If the matrix
is balanced by
nag_dgebal (f08nhc), then any eigenvectors computed subsequently are eigenvectors of the matrix
Section 3) and hence
nag_dgebak (f08njc)
must then be called to transform them back to eigenvectors of
If the Schur vectors of
are required, then this function must
not be called with
, because then the balancing transformation is not orthogonal. If this function is called with
, then any Schur vectors computed subsequently are Schur vectors of the matrix
, and
nag_dgebak (f08njc) must be called (with
to transform them back to Schur vectors of
The complex analogue of this function is
nag_zgebal (f08nvc).
This example computes all the eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of the matrix
, where
The program first calls
nag_dgebal (f08nhc) to balance the matrix; it then computes the Schur factorization of the balanced matrix, by reduction to Hessenberg form and the
algorithm. Then it calls
nag_dtrevc (f08qkc) to compute the right eigenvectors of the balanced matrix, and finally calls
nag_dgebak (f08njc) to transform the eigenvectors back to eigenvectors of the original matrix