nag_prob_non_central_beta_dist (g01gec) returns the probability associated with the lower tail of the noncentral beta distribution.
The lower tail probability for the noncentral beta distribution with parameters
and noncentrality parameter
, is defined by
which is the central beta probability function or incomplete beta function.
Recurrence relationships given in
Abramowitz and Stegun (1972) are used to compute the values of
for each step of the summation
The algorithm is discussed in
Lenth (1987).
Convergence is theoretically guaranteed whenever
has a Poisson distribution with mean
. Excessive round-off errors are possible when the number of iterations used is high and
tol is close to
machine precision. See
Lenth (1987) for further comments on the error bound.
nag_prob_non_central_beta_dist (g01gec) is not threaded in any implementation.
This example reads values for several beta distributions and calculates and prints the lower tail probabilities until the end of data is reached.