NAG Library Function Document
nag_sparse_nsym_sol (f11dec)
1 Purpose
nag_sparse_nsym_sol (f11dec) solves a real sparse nonsymmetric system of linear equations, represented in coordinate storage format, using a restarted generalized minimal residual (RGMRES), conjugate gradient squared (CGS), or stabilized bi-conjugate gradient (Bi-CGSTAB) method, without preconditioning, with Jacobi, or with SSOR preconditioning.
2 Specification
#include <nag.h> |
#include <nagf11.h> |
void |
nag_sparse_nsym_sol (Nag_SparseNsym_Method method,
Nag_SparseNsym_PrecType precon,
Integer n,
Integer nnz,
const double a[],
const Integer irow[],
const Integer icol[],
double omega,
const double b[],
Integer m,
double tol,
Integer maxitn,
double x[],
double *rnorm,
Integer *itn,
Nag_Sparse_Comm *comm,
NagError *fail) |
3 Description
nag_sparse_nsym_sol (f11dec) solves a real sparse nonsymmetric system of linear equations:
using an RGMRES (see
Saad and Schultz (1986)), CGS (see
Sonneveld (1989)), or Bi-CGSTAB
method (see
Van der Vorst (1989),
Sleijpen and Fokkema (1993)).
The function allows the following choices for the preconditioner:
- no preconditioning;
- Jacobi preconditioning (see Young (1971));
- symmetric successive-over-relaxation (SSOR) preconditioning (see Young (1971)).
For incomplete
(ILU) preconditioning see
nag_sparse_nsym_fac_sol (f11dcc).
The matrix
is represented in coordinate storage (CS) format (see the
f11 Chapter Introduction) in the arrays
irow and
icol. The array
a holds the nonzero entries in the matrix, while
irow and
icol hold the corresponding row and column indices.
4 References
Saad Y and Schultz M (1986) GMRES: a generalized minimal residual algorithm for solving nonsymmetric linear systems SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. 7 856–869
Sleijpen G L G and Fokkema D R (1993) BiCGSTAB for linear equations involving matrices with complex spectrum ETNA 1 11–32
Sonneveld P (1989) CGS, a fast Lanczos-type solver for nonsymmetric linear systems SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. 10 36–52
Van der Vorst H (1989) Bi-CGSTAB, a fast and smoothly converging variant of Bi-CG for the solution of nonsymmetric linear systems SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. 13 631–644
Young D (1971) Iterative Solution of Large Linear Systems Academic Press, New York
5 Arguments
- 1:
– Nag_SparseNsym_MethodInput
On entry: specifies the iterative method to be used.
- The restarted generalized minimum residual method is used.
- The conjugate gradient squared method is used.
- The bi-conjugate gradient stabilised method is used.
, or .
- 2:
– Nag_SparseNsym_PrecTypeInput
On entry: specifies the type of preconditioning to be used.
- No preconditioning.
- Symmetric successive-over-relaxation.
- Jacobi.
, or .
- 3:
– IntegerInput
On entry: the order of the matrix .
- 4:
– IntegerInput
On entry: the number of nonzero elements in the matrix .
- 5:
– const doubleInput
On entry: the nonzero elements of the matrix
, ordered by increasing row index, and by increasing column index within each row. Multiple entries for the same row and column indices are not permitted. The function
nag_sparse_nsym_sort (f11zac) may be used to order the elements in this way.
- 6:
– const IntegerInput
- 7:
– const IntegerInput
On entry: the row and column indices of the nonzero elements supplied in
- irow and icol must satisfy the following constraints (which may be imposed by a call to nag_sparse_nsym_sort (f11zac)):;
- and , for ;
- or and , for .
- 8:
– doubleInput
On entry: if
omega is the relaxation argument
to be used in the SSOR method. Otherwise
omega need not be initialized and is not referenced.
- 9:
– const doubleInput
On entry: the right-hand side vector .
- 10:
– IntegerInput
On entry: if
m is the dimension of the restart subspace.
m is the order
of the polynomial Bi-CGSTAB method; otherwise
m is not referenced.
- if , ;
- if , .
- 11:
– doubleInput
On entry: the required tolerance. Let
denote the approximate solution at iteration
, and
the corresponding residual. The algorithm is considered to have converged at iteration
is used, where
is the
machine precision. Otherwise
is used.
- 12:
– IntegerInput
On entry: the maximum number of iterations allowed.
- 13:
– doubleInput/Output
On entry: an initial approximation to the solution vector .
On exit: an improved approximation to the solution vector .
- 14:
– double *Output
On exit: the final value of the residual norm
, where
is the output value of
- 15:
– Integer *Output
On exit: the number of iterations carried out.
- 16:
– Nag_Sparse_Comm *Input/Output
On entry/exit: a pointer to a structure of type Nag_Sparse_Comm whose members are used by the iterative solver.
- 17:
– NagError *Input/Output
The NAG error argument (see
Section 2.7 in How to Use the NAG Library and its Documentation).
6 Error Indicators and Warnings
The required accuracy could not be obtained. However, a reasonable accuracy has been obtained and further iterations cannot improve the result.
You should check the output value of
rnorm for acceptability. This error code usually implies that your problem has been fully and satisfactorily solved to within or close to the accuracy available on your system. Further iterations are unlikely to improve on this situation.
Dynamic memory allocation failed.
On entry, argument
method had an illegal value.
On entry, argument
precon had an illegal value.
- NE_INT_2
On entry, , .
Constraint: when .
On entry, , .
Constraint: when .
On entry, , .
Constraint: .
On entry, .
Constraint: .
On entry, .
Constraint: .
An internal error has occurred in this function. Check the function call and any array sizes. If the call is correct then please contact
NAG for assistance.
A nonzero matrix element has been supplied which does not lie within the matrix
, is out of order or has duplicate row and column indices, i.e., one or more of the following constraints has been violated:
- and , for .
- , or
- and , for .
nag_sparse_nsym_sort (f11zac) to reorder and sum or remove duplicates.
The required accuracy has not been obtained in
maxitn iterations.
On entry, .
Constraint: when .
On entry,
tol must not be greater than or equal to 1:
On entry, the matrix
a has a zero diagonal element. Jacobi and SSOR preconditioners are not appropriate for this problem.
7 Accuracy
On successful termination, the final residual
, where
, satisfies the termination criterion
The value of the final residual norm is returned in
8 Parallelism and Performance
nag_sparse_nsym_sol (f11dec) is not threaded in any implementation.
The time taken by nag_sparse_nsym_sol (f11dec) for each iteration is roughly proportional to
The number of iterations required to achieve a prescribed accuracy cannot be easily determined a priori, as it can depend dramatically on the conditioning and spectrum of the preconditioned matrix of the coefficients .
10 Example
This example program solves a sparse nonsymmetric system of equations using the RGMRES method, with SSOR preconditioning.
10.1 Program Text
Program Text (f11dece.c)
10.2 Program Data
Program Data (f11dece.d)
10.3 Program Results
Program Results (f11dece.r)