nag_det_real_band_sym (f03bhc) computes the determinant of a
symmetric positive definite banded matrix
that has been stored in band-symmetric storage.
nag_dpbtrf (f07hdc) must be called first to supply the Cholesky factorized form. The storage (upper or lower triangular) used by
nag_dpbtrf (f07hdc) is relevant as this determines which elements of the stored factorized form are referenced.
The accuracy of the determinant depends on the conditioning of the original matrix. For a detailed error analysis see page 54 of
Wilkinson and Reinsch (1971).
nag_det_real_band_sym (f03bhc) is not threaded in any implementation.
The time taken by nag_det_real_band_sym (f03bhc) is approximately proportional to .
This example calculates the determinant of the real symmetric positive definite band matrix