nag_idwt (c09cbc) computes the inverse one-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (DWT) at a single level. The initialization function
nag_wfilt (c09aac) must be called first to set up the DWT options.
nag_idwt (c09cbc) performs the inverse operation of
nag_dwt (c09cac). That is, given sets of
approximation coefficients and detail coefficients, computed by
nag_dwt (c09cac) using a DWT as set up by the initialization function
nag_wfilt (c09aac), on a real data array of length
, nag_idwt (c09cbc) will reconstruct the data array
, for
from which the coefficients were derived.
The accuracy of the wavelet transform depends only on the floating-point operations used in the convolution and downsampling and should thus be close to machine precision.
nag_idwt (c09cbc) is not threaded in any implementation.