/* nag_complex_banded_eigensystem_solve (f12auc) Example Program.
 * Copyright 2014 Numerical Algorithms Group.
 * Mark 24, 2013.
#include <math.h>
#include <nag.h>
#include <nag_stdlib.h>
#include <naga02.h>
#include <nagf12.h>
#include <nagf16.h>
#include <nagx04.h>

#define AB(I, J) ab[(J-1)*pdab + kl + ku + I - J]
#define MB(I,J) mb[(J-1)*pdab + kl + ku + I - J]

int main(void)

  Integer exit_status = 0;
  Complex one = {1.0, 0.0} ;
  Complex minusone = {-1.0, 0.0} ;
  Complex zero = {0.0, 0.0} ;
  Nag_Boolean print_res = Nag_FALSE;
  /* Scalars */
  Complex ch_sub, ch_sup, alpha, sigma;
  double h, rho, anorm;
  Integer j, kl, ku, lcomm, licomm, n, ncol, nconv, ncv, nev, nx;
  Integer pdab, pdmb, pdv;
  /* Arrays */
  Complex commd[1];
  Integer icommd[1];
  Complex  *ab = 0, *ax = 0, *comm = 0, *d = 0, *mb = 0;
  Complex  *mx = 0, *resid = 0, *v = 0;
  double  *d_print = 0;
  Integer  *icomm = 0;
  /* NAG types */
  NagError    fail;
  Nag_OrderType             order = Nag_ColMajor;
  Nag_MatrixType            matrix = Nag_GeneralMatrix;
  Nag_DiagType              diag = Nag_NonUnitDiag;
  Nag_TransType             trans = Nag_NoTrans;

  printf("nag_complex_banded_eigensystem_solve (f12auc) Example Program "
  /* Skip heading in data file*/
  scanf("%*[^\n] ");
  /* Read mesh size, number of eigenvalues wanted and size of subspace. */
  scanf("%ld%ld%ld%*[^\n] ", &nx, &nev, &ncv);
  /* Read complex value close to which eigenvalues are sought. */
  scanf(" ( %lf , %lf ) %*[^\n] ", &sigma.re, &sigma.im);

  n = nx * nx;
  /* Initialize for the solution of a complex banded eigenproblem using
   * nag_complex_banded_eigensystem_init (f12atc).
   * But first get the required array lengths using arrays of length 1
   * to store required lengths.
  licomm = -1;
  lcomm = -1;
  nag_complex_banded_eigensystem_init(n, nev, ncv, icommd, licomm, commd, lcomm,
  licomm = icommd[0];
  lcomm = (Integer)(commd[0].re);
  if ( 
      !(icomm = NAG_ALLOC((MAX(1, licomm)), Integer))||
      !(comm = NAG_ALLOC((MAX(1, lcomm)), Complex))
      printf("Allocation failure\n");
      exit_status = -1;
      goto END;
  nag_complex_banded_eigensystem_init(n, nev, ncv, icomm, licomm, comm, lcomm,
  if (fail.code != NE_NOERROR)
      printf("Error from nag_complex_sparse_eigensystem_init (f12anc).\n%s\n",
      exit_status = 1;
      goto END;

  /* Set options to show that the problem is a generalized eigenproblem and
   * that eigenvalues are to be computed using shifted inverses using
   * nag_complex_sparse_eigensystem_option (f12arc).
  nag_complex_sparse_eigensystem_option("SHIFTED INVERSE", icomm, comm, &fail);
  nag_complex_sparse_eigensystem_option("GENERALIZED", icomm, comm, &fail);
  if (fail.code != NE_NOERROR)
      printf("Error from nag_complex_sparse_eigensystem_option (f12arc).\n%s\n",
      exit_status = 2;
      goto END;
  /* Construct the matrix A in banded form and store in AB.
   * KU, KL are number of superdiagonals and subdiagonals within
   * the band of matrices A and M.
  kl = nx;
  ku = nx;
  pdab = 2 * kl + ku + 1;
  pdmb = pdab;
  if (!(ab = NAG_ALLOC(pdab*n, Complex))||
      !(mb = NAG_ALLOC(pdmb*n, Complex))
      printf("Allocation failure\n");
      exit_status = -2;
      goto END;
  /* Zero out AB and MB.*/
  for (j=0; j<pdab*n; j++)
      ab[j] = zero;
      mb[j] = zero;

  rho = 100.0;
  h = 1.0/(double)(nx + 1);
  /* assign complex values using nag_complex (a02bac). */ 
  ch_sub = nag_complex(0.5 * h * rho - 1.0, 0.0);
  ch_sup = nag_complex(-0.5 * h * rho - 1.0, 0.0);
  /* Set main diagonal of A and B to (4,0);
   * first subdiagonal and superdiagonal of A are (-1 +/- rho/2h,0)..
   * Outermost subdiagonal and super-diagonal are (-1,0).
  for ( j=1; j<=n; j++)
      AB(j,j) = nag_complex(4.0, 0.0);
      MB(j,j) = nag_complex(4.0, 0.0);
      if ((j-1)%nx!=0 && j!=n)
          AB(j+1,j) = ch_sub;
      if (j%nx!=0 && j!=1)
          AB(j-1,j) = ch_sup;
      if (j<=n-kl) 
        AB(j+kl,j) = minusone;
      if (j>ku) 
        AB(j-ku,j) = minusone;
  for (j=2; j<n; j++)
      MB(j+1,j) =  one;
  for (j=2; j<n; j++)
      MB(j-1,j) =  one;

  /* Allocate v to hold eigenvectors and d to hold eigenvalues. */
  pdv = n;
  if ( 
      !(d = NAG_ALLOC((nev), Complex))||
      !(v = NAG_ALLOC((pdv)*(ncv), Complex))||
      !(resid = NAG_ALLOC((n), Complex))
      printf("Allocation failure\n");
      exit_status = -3;
      goto END;
  /* Find eigenvalues closest in value to sigma and corresponding
   * eigenvectors using nag_complex_banded_eigensystem_solve (f12auc).
  nag_complex_banded_eigensystem_solve(kl, ku, ab, mb, sigma, &nconv, d,
                                  v, resid, v, comm, icomm, &fail);
  if (fail.code != NE_NOERROR)
      printf("Error from nag_complex_banded_eigensystem_solve (f12auc).\n%s\n",
      exit_status = 3;
      goto END;

  /* d_print stores eigenvalues (and possibly residuals) as real array. */
  if (!(d_print = NAG_ALLOC(nconv*3, double)))
      printf("Allocation failure\n");
      exit_status = -4;
      goto END;
  for (j=0;j<nconv; j++)
      d_print[j] =  (d[j]).re;
      d_print[j+nconv] =  (d[j]).im;
  /* By default this example will not calculate and print residuals.
   * It will, however if the following line is uncommented.
  /* print_res = Nag_TRUE; */
  if (print_res) {
    ncol = 3;
    /* Compute the residual norm  ||A*x - lambda*B*x||.
     * Matrix vector products Ax and Bx, for complex banded A and B, are formed
     * using nag_zgbmv (f16sbc).
     * The scaled vector subtraction is performed using nag_zaxpby (f16gcc).
    if ( 
        !(ax = NAG_ALLOC(n, Complex))||
        !(mx = NAG_ALLOC(n, Complex))
        printf("Allocation failure\n");
        exit_status = -4;
        goto END;
    for ( j=0; j<nconv; j++) {
      nag_zgbmv(order, trans, n, n, kl, ku, one, &ab[kl], pdab, &v[pdv*j],
                1, zero, ax, 1, &fail);
      if (fail.code == NE_NOERROR) {
        nag_zgbmv(order, trans, n, n, kl, ku, one, &mb[kl], pdmb, &v[pdv*j],
                  1, zero, mx, 1, &fail);
        if (fail.code == NE_NOERROR) {
          /* alpha holds -d[j] using nag_complex_negate (a02cec). */
          alpha = nag_complex_negate(d[j]);
          nag_zaxpby(n, alpha, mx, 1, one, ax, 1, &fail);
      if (fail.code != NE_NOERROR) {
        printf("Error in calculating residual norm.\n%s\n", fail.message);
        exit_status = 4;
        goto END;
      /* Get ||ax|| = ||Ax - lambda Bx|| using nag_zge_norm (f16uac)
       * with the Frobenius norm on a complex general matrix with one column.
      nag_zge_norm(order, Nag_FrobeniusNorm, n, 1, ax, n, &anorm, &fail);
      if (fail.code != NE_NOERROR)
          printf("Error from nag_zge_norm (f16uac).\n%s\n", fail.message);
          exit_status = 5;
          goto END;
      /* nag_complex_abs (a02dbc) returns the modulus of the eigenvalue */
      d_print[j+2*nconv] = anorm/nag_complex_abs(d[j]);
  } else {
    ncol = 2;

  /* Print the eigenvalues (and possibly the residuals) using the matrix 
   * printer, nag_gen_real_mat_print (x04cac).
  printf("  Number of eigenvalues wanted     = %ld\n",nev);
  printf("  Number of eigenvalues converged  = %ld\n",nconv);
  printf("  Eigenvalues are closest to Sigma = ( %lf , %lf )\n\n",
         sigma.re, sigma.im);
  nag_gen_real_mat_print(order, matrix, diag, nconv, ncol, d_print, nconv,
                         " Ritz values closest to sigma", 0, &fail);
  if (fail.code != NE_NOERROR)
      printf("Error from nag_gen_real_mat_print (x04cac).\n%s\n", fail.message);
      exit_status = 6;
  return exit_status;