nag_opt_nlp_sparse (e04ugc) Example Program Results

Optional parameter setting for e04ugc.

Option file: e04ugce.opt

minor_iter_lim = 20
iter_lim = 30

Parameters to e04ugc

 fcheck..................         60       expand_freq............      10000
 factor_freq.............         50

 QP subproblems.
 scale_tol...............   9.00e-01       minor_feas_tol.........   1.05e-08
 scale_opt...............          1       minor_opt_tol..........   1.05e-08
 part_price..............          1       crash_tol..............   1.00e-01
 pivot_tol...............   2.04e-11       minor_print_level..... Nag_NoPrint
 crash.................. Nag_NoCrash       elastic_wt.............   1.00e+02

 obj_deriv...............   Nag_TRUE       con_deriv..............   Nag_TRUE
 verify_grad........ Nag_SimpleCheck       print_deriv........... Nag_D_Print
 Start obj check at col..          1       Stop obj check at col..          4
 Start con check at col..          1       Stop con check at col..          2

 The SQP method.
 direction............. Nag_Minimize
 Nonlinear objective vars          4       major_opt_tol..........   1.05e-08
 f_prec..................   1.72e-13       inf_step...............   1.00e+20
 max_sb..................          4       f_diff_int.............   4.15e-07
 unbounded_obj...........   1.00e+15       c_diff_int.............   5.56e-05
 major_step_lim..........   2.00e+00       deriv_linesearch.......   Nag_TRUE
 print_level.......... Nag_Soln_Iter       major_iter_lim.........        100
 linesearch_tol..........   9.00e-01       minor_iter_lim.........         20
 inf_bound...............   1.00e+20       iter_lim...............         30

 Hessian approximation.
 hess_storage....... Nag_HessianFull       hess_update............         20
 hess_freq...............   99999999

 Nonlinear constraints.
 Nonlinear constraints...          3       major_feas_tol.........   1.05e-08
 Nonlinear Jacobian vars.          2       violation_limit........   1.00e+01

 Variables...............          4       Linear constraints.....          3
 Nonlinear variables.....          4       Linear variables.......          0
 lu_factor_tol...........   5.00e+00       lu_sing_tol............   2.04e-11
 lu_update_tol...........   5.00e+00       lu_den_tol.............   6.00e-01
 eps (machine precision).   1.11e-16                                  
 start...................   Nag_Cold       feas_exit..............  Nag_FALSE
 Names....................  supplied       print_80ch.............   Nag_TRUE
 outfile.................     stdout

 Memory allocation.
 nz_coef.................   5.00e+00       Initial sizes of work arrays.
 state...................        Nag       Integers...............       1628
 lambda..................        Nag       Reals..................       1258

 XXX Scale option reduced from                1 to                0.
 XXX Feasible linear rows.
 XXX Norm(x-x0) minimized. Sum of infeasibilities = 0.00e+00.

 confun  sets       6   out of       6   constraint gradients.
 objfun  sets       4   out of       4   objective  gradients.

 Verification of constraint gradients returned by subroutine confun

 Cheap test on confun...

 The Jacobian seems to be OK.

 The largest discrepancy was    4.41e-08  in constraint     2.

 Verification of objective gradients returned by subroutine objfun

 Cheap test on objfun...

 The objective gradients seem to be OK.
 Gradient projected in two directions   0.00000000000e+00   0.00000000000e+00
 Difference approximations              1.74111992322e-19   4.48742248252e-21
 XXX All-slack basis B = I selected.
 XXX Large multipliers.
     Elastic mode started with weight =  2.0e+02.

  Maj   Mnr     Step  Merit Function  Feasibl  Optimal  Cond Hz PD
    0     8  0.0e+00    3.199952e+05  1.7e+00  8.0e-01  1.0e+00 FF    R   i
    1     4  1.0e+00    2.419951e+05  7.7e-01  3.7e+01  1.0e+00 FF   s     
    2     1  1.0e+00    5.172188e+03  2.9e-02  1.9e+00  1.0e+00 FF         
    3     1  3.8e-01    5.038588e+03  1.8e-02  4.6e+00  1.2e+02 FF         
    4     1  3.6e-01    5.120830e+03  1.2e-02  2.0e+00  1.6e+02 FF         
    5     1  1.0e+00    5.126491e+03  1.0e-04  3.6e-02  1.7e+02 FF         
    6     1  3.1e-01    5.126498e+03  7.1e-05  3.1e-02  1.1e+02 FF         
    7     1  1.0e+00    5.126498e+03  4.3e-09  6.5e-04  1.1e+02 TF         
    8     1  1.0e+00    5.126498e+03  4.5e-13  4.8e-05  1.1e+02 TF         
    9     0  1.0e+00    5.126498e+03  1.2e-15  3.5e-13  1.1e+02 TT         

 Exit from NP problem after     9 major iterations,
                               19 minor iterations.

 Variable State     Value        Lower Bound   Upper Bound    Lagr Mult   Residual

 Varble 1    BS   1.188764e-01  -5.50000e-01   5.50000e-01  -1.8190e-12   4.3112e-01
 Varble 2    BS  -3.962336e-01  -5.50000e-01   5.50000e-01   1.6371e-11   1.5377e-01
 Varble 3    BS   6.799453e+02   0.00000e+00   1.20000e+03  -2.9310e-14   5.2005e+02
 Varble 4   SBS   1.026067e+03   0.00000e+00   1.20000e+03  -6.6613e-14   1.7393e+02

 Constrnt State     Value        Lower Bound   Upper Bound    Lagr Mult   Residual

 NlnCon 1    EQ  -8.948000e+02  -8.94800e+02  -8.94800e+02  -4.3870e+00   3.4106e-12
 NlnCon 2    EQ  -8.948000e+02  -8.94800e+02  -8.94800e+02  -4.1056e+00   4.5475e-13
 NlnCon 3    EQ  -1.294800e+03  -1.29480e+03  -1.29480e+03  -5.4633e+00   3.4106e-12
 LinCon 1    BS   2.773572e-01  -5.50000e-0      None   25   0.0000e+00   8.2736e-01
 LinCon 2    BS  -2.773572e-01  -5.50000e-0      None   25   0.0000e+00   2.7264e-01
 Free Row    BS   4.091970e+03      None         None   25  -1.0000e+00   4.0920e+03

 Exit e04ugc - Optimal solution found.

 Final objective value =         5126.498

A run of the same example with a warm start:

Parameters to e04ugc

 fcheck..................         60       expand_freq............      10000
 factor_freq.............         50

 QP subproblems.
 scale_tol...............   9.00e-01       minor_feas_tol.........   1.05e-08
 scale_opt...............          1       minor_opt_tol..........   1.05e-08
 part_price..............          1       crash_tol..............   1.00e-01
 pivot_tol...............   2.04e-11       minor_print_level..... Nag_NoPrint
 crash.................. Nag_NoCrash       elastic_wt.............   1.00e+02

 obj_deriv...............   Nag_TRUE       con_deriv..............   Nag_TRUE
 verify_grad........ Nag_SimpleCheck       print_deriv......... Nag_D_NoPrint
 Start obj check at col..          1       Stop obj check at col..          4
 Start con check at col..          1       Stop con check at col..          2

 The SQP method.
 direction............. Nag_Minimize
 Nonlinear objective vars          4       major_opt_tol..........   1.05e-08
 f_prec..................   1.72e-13       inf_step...............   1.00e+20
 max_sb..................          4       f_diff_int.............   4.15e-07
 unbounded_obj...........   1.00e+15       c_diff_int.............   5.56e-05
 major_step_lim..........   2.00e+00       deriv_linesearch.......   Nag_TRUE
 print_level............... Nag_Iter       major_iter_lim.........        100
 linesearch_tol..........   9.00e-01       minor_iter_lim.........         20
 inf_bound...............   1.00e+20       iter_lim...............         30

 Hessian approximation.
 hess_storage....... Nag_HessianFull       hess_update............         20
 hess_freq...............   99999999

 Nonlinear constraints.
 Nonlinear constraints...          3       major_feas_tol.........   1.05e-08
 Nonlinear Jacobian vars.          2       violation_limit........   1.00e+01

 Variables...............          4       Linear constraints.....          3
 Nonlinear variables.....          4       Linear variables.......          0
 lu_factor_tol...........   5.00e+00       lu_sing_tol............   2.04e-11
 lu_update_tol...........   5.00e+00       lu_den_tol.............   6.00e-01
 eps (machine precision).   1.11e-16                                  
 start...................   Nag_Warm       feas_exit..............  Nag_FALSE
 Names....................  supplied       print_80ch.............   Nag_TRUE
 outfile.................     stdout

 Memory allocation.
 nz_coef.................   5.00e+00       Initial sizes of work arrays.
 state...................        Nag       Integers...............       1628
 lambda..................        Nag       Reals..................       1258

 XXX Scale option reduced from                1 to                0.
 XXX Feasible linear rows.
 XXX Norm(x-x0) minimized. Sum of infeasibilities = 0.00e+00.
 XXX All-slack basis B = I selected.

  Maj   Mnr     Step  Merit Function  Feasibl  Optimal  Cond Hz PD
    0     1  0.0e+00    5.128197e+03  1.3e-01  1.1e+00  1.7e+00 FF    R    
    1     1  1.0e+00    4.883655e+03  3.5e-03  5.7e-01  2.0e+02 FF   S     
    2     1  1.8e-01    5.126320e+03  2.8e-03  3.7e+00  1.9e+02 FF         
    3     1  2.8e-01    5.126417e+03  2.0e-03  1.1e+00  1.9e+02 FF         
    4     1  1.0e+00    5.126499e+03  3.2e-06  1.9e-01  2.0e+02 FF         
    5     1  1.0e+00    5.126498e+03  1.1e-08  4.2e-02  1.1e+02 FF         
    6     1  1.0e+00    5.126498e+03  2.2e-09  1.2e-06  1.1e+02 TF         
    7     1  1.0e+00    5.126498e+03  4.0e-17  2.7e-10  1.1e+02 TT         

 Exit from NP problem after     7 major iterations,
                                8 minor iterations.

 Exit e04ugc - Optimal solution found.

 Final objective value =         5126.498