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8.2 Fortran 95 Expressions

This section contains a quick reference guide to expression syntax and semantics in Fortran 95. For more details see Metcalf, Reid and Cohen “Fortran 95/2003 Explained” or the Fortran 95 standard “IS 1539-1:1997”.

General Form

The general form of an expression expr is as follows:

expr ::= [ unary-operator ] operand [ binary-operator operand ]...

operand ::= literal-constant | object | array-constructor |
structure-constructor | function-reference | ( expr )

binary-operator ::= + | - | * | / | ** | == | /= | < | > | <= | >= | // |
.AND. | .OR. | .EQV. | .NEQV. | user-operator

unary-operator ::= + | - | .NOT. | user-operator

user-operator ::= .letter[letter...].

The operators ==, /=, <, >, <= and >= may also be represented by .EQ., .NE., .LT., .GT., .LE. and .GE. respectively.


Binary operators are associated left-to-right except for exponentiation, which associates right-to-left. The precedence of each operator is shown by the following table, from highest to lowest:

Operators Binary/Unary
user-operator Unary
** Binary
* / Binary
+ - Unary
+ - Binary
// Binary
== /= < > <= >= Binary
.NOT. Unary
.AND. Binary
.OR. Binary
.EQV. .NEQV. Binary
user-operator Binary

Literal Constants

literal-constant ::= integer-literal | real-literal | double-precision-literal |
logical-literal | complex-literal | character-literal

integer-literal ::= digit-string [ _ kind-specifier ]

digit-string ::= { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 }...

kind-specifier ::= digit-string | name

Note: name must be an INTEGER PARAMETER name.



real-literal ::= mantissa [ E exponent ] [ _ kind-specifier ] |
digit-string E exponent [ _ kind-specifier ]

mantissa ::= digit-string . [ digit-string ] |
. digit-string

exponent ::= [ + | - ] digit-string



double-precision-literal ::= { mantissa | digit-string } D exponent



logical-literal ::= { .TRUE. | .FALSE. } [ _ kind-specifier ]

complex-literal ::= ( int-or-real-literal , int-or-real-literal )

int-or-real-literal ::= integer-literal | real-literal



character-literal ::= [ kind-specifier _ ] { ' [char...] ' | " [char...] " }

Note: char is any character other than the quoting character, or the quoting character occurring twice (e.g., '''' is the same as "'").


      "Say 'Hello'."


constant ::= literal-constant | name

Named constants are declared by the PARAMETER statement or by a type-declaration statement with the PARAMETER attribute


object ::= object-ref [ % object-ref ]... [ ( substring-range ) ]

object-ref ::= name [ section-subscript-list ]

section-subscript-list ::= ( section-subscript [ , section-subscript ]... )

section-subscript ::= expr | triplet

triplet ::= [ expr ] : [ expr ] [ : expr ]

substring-range ::= [ expr ] : [ expr ]

name ::= letter [ letter | digit | _ ] ...

letter ::= A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W |
X | Y | Z

variable ::= object

constant-subobject ::= object | character-literal ( substring-range )

Note: For a variable, the name in the initial object-ref must be that of a variable.
For a constant-subobject, the name in the initial object-ref must be that of a constant (i.e., a PARAMETER).

An object is scalar if and only if all its object-ref's are scalar. An object-ref with non-zero rank (i.e., an array) can only be followed by scalar non-pointer object-refs.

An array element is a scalar object whose final object-ref contains a section-subscript-list where each section-subscript is a scalar expression. For example

A structure component is an object with more than one object-ref whose final object-ref has no section-subscript-list and all preceding object-refs are scalar. For example
A substring is a scalar object with a substring-range. For example
A whole array is an array object with only one object-ref.

An array section is an array object where a non-final object-ref has non-zero rank, or the final object-ref has a section-subscript-list and one or more of the section-subscripts has non-zero rank or is a triplet. For example


Array Constructor

array-constructor ::= (/ ac-item [ , ac-item ] ... /)

ac-item ::= expr | ac-implied-do

ac-implied-do ::= ( expr [ , expr ] ... , name = expr , expr [ , expr ] )

Note: name is an integer variable name, but its value is not affected by the execution of the array constructor. All expressions in an array constructor must have the same type and type parameters; in particular, for characters, they must have the same length.

Structure Constructor

structure-constructor ::= name ( expr [ , expr ] ... )

Note: name must be the name of a derived type. Each expression must be assignment-compatible with the corresponding component of the derived type.

Function Reference

function-reference ::= name ( [ expr [ , expr ] ... ] )

Note: name must be the name of a function.