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2.23 Generating Interfaces

The interface generator takes a set of Fortran source files and produces interfaces for the procedures therein. The output is either a module (in a new source file), or an INCLUDE file.

The interfaces are written either to the file specified by the -o option, or if module output is being produced to the file with the same name as the module and extension ‘.f90’, or otherwise (an INCLUDE file is being produced) to ‘’. In each case the interfaces are all within a single INTERFACE block.

The interface generator understands the following compiler options with the same meaning: -132, -dcfuns, -double, -dryrun, -dusty, -encoding, -english, -f2003, -f2008, -f95, -fixed, -free, -help, -I, -i8, -indirect, -info, -kind, -max_parameter_size, -maxcontin, -mismatch, -mismatch_all, -nihongo, -nocheck_modtime, -nonstrict, -noqueue, -o, -openmp, -Qpath, -r8, -tempdir, -thread_safe, -u, -u=, -v, -V, -w and -xlicinfo.

The interface generator understands all the enhanced polish options with the same meaning.

The following additional options control the operation of the interface generator:

Add a comment before the INTERFACE statement, giving the date and time that the file was generated. This is the default.
Add a comment after each procedure heading (SUBROUTINE or FUNCTION statement) indicating the source of the procedure.
Specifies the name of the module to generate containing procedure interfaces. The default is ‘interfaces’.
Specify the type of output file required to type, which must be one of

include (INCLUDE file),
module (Fortran module in a new source file).

The default is -otype=module.

Do not add any comment before the INTERFACE statement.
Do not add any comment after each procedure heading. This is the default.