Standard intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV

Table of Contents

1 Name

iso_fortran_env — standard intrinsic module

2 Usage


(The ',INTRINSIC ::' part is optional, unless there is a user-defined module with the same name.)

3 Synopsis

ISO_FORTRAN_ENV provides named constants describing the Fortran environment, along with some derived types for coarray programming, and some utility procedures.

Kind parameter values for specific types are provided by INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64, REAL16, REAL32, REAL64 and REAL128. Arrays listing all valid kind parameter values for each type are provided by CHARACTER_KINDS, INTEGER_KINDS, LOGICAL_KINDS and REAL_KINDS.

Storage units are described by CHARACTER_STORAGE_SIZE and NUMERIC_STORAGE_SIZE.

Input/output units are described by ERROR_UNIT, INPUT_UNIT and OUTPUT_UNIT.

The RECL= specifier for the INQUIRE and OPEN statements is described by FILE_STORAGE_SIZE.

IOSTAT= return values are described by IOSTAT_END, IOSTAT_EOR and IOSTAT_INQUIRE_INTERNAL_UNIT. These and many other IOSTAT= return values are provided by the intrinsic module F90_IOSTAT (except that it provides IOSTAT_EOF instead of IOSTAT_END).

STAT= (and STAT argument) return values for coarray programming are described by named constants beginning with STAT_. KIND parameter values for use with atomic subroutines are described by ATOMIC_INT_KIND and ATOMIC_LOGICAL_KIND. Argument values for the intrinsic function GET_TEAM are provided by CURRENT_TEAM, INITIAL_TEAM and PARENT_TEAM. Types for coarray programming are provided by EVENT_TYPE, LOCK_TYPE and TEAM_TYPE.

4 Parameter Descriptions

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: atomic_int_kind = ...
The KIND value required for the ATOM argument of an atomic subroutine that is of type Integer.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: atomic_logical_kind = ...
The KIND value required for the ATOM argument of an atomic subroutine that is of type Logical.
  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: character_kinds(4) = [ KIND('A'), &
                                              SELECTED_CHAR_KIND('JIS_0213'), &
                                              SELECTED_CHAR_KIND('UCS_2'), &
                                              SELECTED_CHAR_KIND('ISO_10646') ]
Array listing all valid kind type parameter values for CHARACTER type.
  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: character_storage_size = 8
The size of a character storage unit in bits.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: current_team = -3
Argument value for the intrinsic function GET_TEAM, specifying that it should return a team value identifying the current team.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: error_unit = 0
The standard error reporting unit number.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: file_storage_size = 8
The size of a file storage unit (used by RECL= in OPEN and INQUIRE) in bits.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: initial_team = -1
Argument value for the intrinsic function GET_TEAM, specifying that it should return a team value identifying the initial team.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: input_unit = 5
The standard input unit number. This is the one used by READ with an asterisk ('*') unit.

The kind parameter value for an 8-bit integer.

The kind parameter value for a 16-bit integer.

The kind parameter value for a 32-bit integer.

The kind parameter value for a 64-bit integer.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: integer_kinds(4) = [ int8,int16,int32,int64 ]
Array listing all valid kind type parameter values for INTEGER type.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: iostat_end = -1
The IOSTAT= return value for end of file.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: iostat_eor = -2
The IOSTAT= return value for end of record.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: iostat_inquire_internal_unit = 242
The IOSTAT= return value for an INQUIRE statement within a child i/o procedure that references a unit number that is associated with an internal file.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: logical_kinds(4) = integer_kinds
Array listing all valid kind type parameter values for LOGICAL type.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: numeric_storage_size = BIT_SIZE(0)
The size of a numeric storage unit in bits.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: output_unit = 6
The standard output unit number. This is the one used by PRINT, and by WRITE with an asterisk ('*') unit.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: parent_team = -2
Argument value for the intrinsic function GET_TEAM, specifying that it should return a team value identifying the parent team.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: real_kinds(4) = [ real16,real32,real64,real128 ]
Array listing all valid kind type parameter values for REAL type.

The kind parameter value for a 16-bit real.

The kind parameter value for a 32-bit real.

The kind parameter value for a 64-bit real.

The kind parameter value for a 128-bit real.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: stat_failed_image = 314
The STAT= value returned from an image control statement, coindexed object access, or atomic or collective subroutine reference when an image involved has failed.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: stat_locked = 310
The STAT= value returned from the LOCK statement when the lock was already locked by the executing image.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: stat_locked_other_image = 312
The STAT= value returned from the UNLOCK statement when the lock was locked by another image.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: stat_stopped_image = 315
The STAT= value returned from an image control statement or reference to a collective subroutine if an image being synchronised with has stopped.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: stat_unlocked = 311
The STAT= value returned from the UNLOCK statement when the lock was already unlocked.

  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: stat_unlocked_failed_image = 313
The STAT= value returned from the LOCK statement when the lock became unlocked due to failure of the image previously holding the lock.

5 Derived Type Descriptions

  TYPE event_type
Type for use by the EVENT POST and EVENT WAIT statements, and the EVENT_QUERY intrinsic function. Named entities of this type must be coarrays. Named entities that have a potential subobject component of this type must also be coarrays. Variables of this type can only be operated on by the special statements provided.

  TYPE lock_type
Type for use by the LOCK and UNLOCK statements. Named entities of this type must be coarrays. Named entities that have a potential subobject component of this type must also be coarrays. Variables of this type can only be operated on by the special statements provided.

  TYPE team_type
Type for use by the FORM TEAM statement and the CHANGE TEAM construct, and as a TEAM argument for several related intrinsic functions. Named entities of this type must not be coarrays.

6 Procedure Descriptions

  PURE CHARACTER(...) FUNCTION compiler_options()
Function that returns a character string containing the compiler options used to compile the program unit. This function may be used in constant expressions.

  PURE CHARACTER(...) FUNCTION compiler_version()
Function that returns a character string describing the version of the compiler that was used to compile the program unit. This function may be used in constant expressions.

7 Files

The source code for this module may be found in the NAG Fortran runtime library directory (usually /usr/local/lib/NAG_Fortran).

8 See Also

f90_iostat(3), f90_kind(3), nag_modules(3).

9 Bugs

Please report any bugs found to ‘’ or ‘’, along with any suggestions for improvements.

10 Author

Malcolm Cohen, Nihon Numerical Algorithms Group KK, Tokyo, Japan.