construct facilitates use of assumed rank objects within Fortran.
It has the syntax
[ construct-name ] SELECT RANK ( [ assoc_name => ] assumed-rank-variable-name ) [ rank-stmt block ]... END SELECT [ construct-name ]where rank-stmt is one of:
RANK ( scalar-int-constant-expression ) [ construct-name ] RANK ( * ) [ construct-name ] RANK DEFAULT [ construct-name ]In any particular
construct, there must not be more than one RANK DEFAULT
or more than one RANK (*)
statement, or more than RANK (integer)
with the same value integer
If the assumed-rank variable has the ALLOCATABLE
attribute, the RANK (*)
is not permitted.
The block following a RANK
statement with an integer constant expression is executed if
the assumed-rank variable is associated with a non-assumed-rank actual argument that has that rank,
and is not an assumed-size array.
Within the block it acts as if it were an assumed-shape array with that rank.
The block following a RANK (*)
is executed if the ultimate argument is an assumed-size array.
Within the block it acts as if it were declared with bounds ‘(1:*)
’; if different bounds
or rank are desired, this can be passed to another procedure using sequence association.
The block following a RANK DEFAULT
statement is executed if no other block is selected.
Within its block, it is still an assumed-rank variable, i.e. there is no change.
Here is a simple example of the SELECT RANK
Program select_rank_example Integer :: a = 123, b(1,2) = Reshape( [ 10,20 ], [ 1,2 ] ), c(1,3,1) = 777, d(1,1,1,1,1) Call show(a) Call show(b) Call show(c) Call show(d) Contains Subroutine show(x) Integer x(..) Select Rank(x) Rank (0) Print 1,'scalar',x Rank (1) Print 1,'vector',x Rank (2) Print 1,'matrix',x Rank (3) Print 1,'3D array',x Rank Default Print *,'Rank',Rank(x),'not supported' End Select 1 Format(1x,a,*(1x,i0,:)) End Subroutine End ProgramThis will produce the output
scalar 123 matrix 10 20 3D array 777 777 777 Rank 5 not supported