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A nonlinear minimization problem solving routine - nag_opt_nlp (e04ucc). |
We demonstrate two ways of supplying the pair of functions - either as C code or as Octave code. There are advantages to both of these approaches. Since we need to write C code anyway, in order to interface between Octave and NAG, adding the user-supplied functions as C code is relatively easy. This approach avoids some of the problems associated with converting between C types and Octave types.
The disadvantage of writing the user-supplied functions as C code is that you need to rewrite the functions and regenerate the interface code every time you want to solve a different minimization problem. Although it is harder at first, a more flexible approach is to write an interface that lets the user-supplied functions be written as Octave code.
#include <nag.h> #include <nage04.h> void nag_opt_nlp(Integer n, Integer nclin, Integer ncnlin, const double a[], Integer tda, const double bl[], const double bu[], void(*objfun)(Integer n, const double x[], double *objf, double g[], Nag_Comm *comm), void(*confun)(Integer n, Integer ncnlin, const Integer needc[], const double x[], double conf[], double conjac[], Nag_Comm *comm), double x[], double *objf, double g[], Nag_E04_Opt *options, Nag_Comm *comm, NagError *fail);For argument descriptions consult the e04ucc document in the NAG C Library Manual [6]. To keep things simple, we are going to return only the integer value of fail.code.
#include <octave/oct.h> #define Complex NagComplex #define MatrixType NagMatrixType #include <nag.h> #include <nage04.h> extern "C" { static void objfun(Integer n, double x[], double *objf, double objgrd[], Nag_Comm *comm); static void confun(Integer n, Integer ncnlin, Integer needc[], double x[], double conf[], double conjac[], Nag_Comm *comm); } DEFUN_DLD (nag_opt, args, , "Calls nag_opt_nlp (e04ucc), which minimizes an arbitrary smooth function \n\ subject to constraints using a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method.\n\ As many first derivatives as possible should be supplied by you; \n\ any unspecified derivatives are approximated by finite differences. \n\ It is not intended for large sparse problems.\n\ nag_opt_nlp (e04ucc) may also be used for unconstrained, bound-constrained \n\ and linearly constrained optimization.\n") { // Variable to store function output values octave_value_list retval; // Retrieve input arguments from args Integer n = args(0).int_value(); Integer nclin = args(1).int_value(); Integer ncnlin = args(2).int_value(); Matrix a(args(3).matrix_value()); Integer tda = args(4).int_value(); NDArray bl(args(5).array_value()); NDArray bu(args(6).array_value()); NDArray x(args(7).array_value()); dim_vector dv (1); dv(0) = n; NDArray objgrd(dv); // Declare local variables double objf; Nag_Comm comm; NagError fail; INIT_FAIL(fail); // Call NAG routine nag_opt_nlp(n, nclin, ncnlin, a.fortran_vec(), tda, bl.fortran_vec(), bu.fortran_vec(), objfun, confun, x.fortran_vec(), &objf, objgrd.fortran_vec(), E04_DEFAULT, &comm, &fail); // Assign output arguments to retval retval(0) = objf; retval(1) = objgrd; retval(2) = fail.code; return retval; } static void objfun(Integer n, double x[], double *objf, double objgrd[], Nag_Comm *comm) { /* Routine to evaluate objective function and its 1st derivatives. */ if (comm->flag == 0 || comm->flag == 2) *objf = x[0] * x[3] * (x[0] + x[1] + x[2]) + x[2]; if (comm->flag == 2) { objgrd[0] = x[3] * (2.0*x[0] + x[1] + x[2]); objgrd[1] = x[0] * x[3]; objgrd[2] = x[0] * x[3] + 1.0; objgrd[3] = x[0] * (x[0] + x[1] + x[2]); } } /* objfun */ static void confun(Integer n, Integer ncnlin, Integer needc[], double x[], double conf[], double conjac[], Nag_Comm *comm) { /* Routine to evaluate the nonlinear constraints and * their 1st derivatives. */ #define CONJAC(I,J) conjac[(I-1)*n + J - 1] Integer i, j; if (comm->first) { /* First call to confun. Set all Jacobian elements to zero. * Note that this will only work when con_deriv = TRUE * (the default; see Section 4 (confun) and 8.2 (con_deriv)). */ for (j = 1; j <= n; ++j) for (i = 1; i <= ncnlin; ++i) CONJAC(i,j) = 0.0; } if (needc[0] > 0) { if (comm->flag == 0 || comm->flag == 2) conf[0] = x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2] + x[3] * x[3]; if (comm->flag == 2) { CONJAC(1,1) = x[0] * 2.0; CONJAC(1,2) = x[1] * 2.0; CONJAC(1,3) = x[2] * 2.0; CONJAC(1,4) = x[3] * 2.0; } } if (needc[1] > 0) { if (comm->flag == 0 || comm->flag == 2) conf[1] = x[0] * x[1] * x[2] * x[3]; if (comm->flag == 2) { CONJAC(2,1) = x[1] * x[2] * x[3]; CONJAC(2,2) = x[0] * x[2] * x[3]; CONJAC(2,3) = x[0] * x[1] * x[3]; CONJAC(2,4) = x[0] * x[1] * x[2]; } } } /* confun */
Points to note about this code:
% mkoctfile nag_opt.cc -L/opt/NAG/cll6a08dg/lib -lnagc_nag -I/opt/NAG/cll6a08dg/includewhere:
octave:1> a = [1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0]; octave:2> bl = [1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,-1.0E+25,-1.0E+25,25.0]; octave:3> bu = [5.0,5.0,5.0,5.0,20.0,40.0,1.0E+25]; octave:4> x = [1.0,5.0,5.0,1.0]; octave:5> [objf,objgrd,ifail] = nag_opt(4,1,2,a,4,bl,bu,x)
(If you get an error message saying that a library cannot be located, see the tip given in Example 1).
#include <octave/oct.h> #include <octave/parse.h> #define Complex NagComplex #define MatrixType NagMatrixType #include <nag.h> #include <nage04.h> extern "C" { static void objfunC(Integer n, double x[], double *objf, double objgrd[], Nag_Comm *comm); static void confunC(Integer n, Integer ncnlin, Integer needc[], double x[], double conf[], double conjac[], Nag_Comm *comm); } DEFUN_DLD (nag_opt2, args, , "Calls nag_opt_nlp (e04ucc), which minimizes an arbitrary smooth function \n\ subject to constraints using a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method.\n \ As many first derivatives as possible should be supplied by you; \n \ any unspecified derivatives are approximated by finite differences. \n \ It is not intended for large sparse problems.\n \ nag_opt_nlp (e04ucc) may also be used for unconstrained, bound-constrained \n \ and linearly constrained optimization.\n") { // Variable to store function output values octave_value_list retval; // Retrieve input arguments from args Integer n = args(0).int_value(); Integer nclin = args(1).int_value(); Integer ncnlin = args(2).int_value(); Matrix a(args(3).matrix_value()); Integer tda = args(4).int_value(); NDArray bl(args(5).array_value()); NDArray bu(args(6).array_value()); struct fcnptrs {octave_function *obj, *con;} fcns; fcns.obj = args(7).function_value(); fcns.con = args(8).function_value(); NDArray x(args(9).array_value()); dim_vector dv (1); dv(0) = n; NDArray objgrd(dv); // Declare local variables double objf=0.0; Nag_Comm comm; NagError fail; INIT_FAIL(fail); // Store Octave functions handles in communication structure comm comm.p = (Pointer) &fcns; // Call NAG routine nag_opt_nlp(n, nclin, ncnlin, a.fortran_vec(), tda, bl.fortran_vec(), bu.fortran_vec(),objfunC, confunC, x.fortran_vec(),&objf, objgrd.fortran_vec(), E04_DEFAULT, &comm, &fail); // Assign output arguments to retval retval(0) = objf; retval(1) = objgrd; retval(2) = fail.code; return retval; } static void objfunC(Integer n, double x[], double *objf, double objgrd[], Nag_Comm *comm) { // Retrieve Octave objfun handle struct fcnptrs {octave_function *obj, *con;} *fcns; fcns = (struct fcnptrs *) comm->p; octave_function *fcn = (octave_function *) fcns->obj; // Copy C arrays into the Octave type ones dim_vector dv (1); dv(0) = n; NDArray x_oct(dv), objgrd_oct(dv); octave_idx_type i; for (i=0;i<n;i++) { x_oct.elem(i) = x[i]; objgrd_oct.elem(i) = objgrd[i]; } // Assign objfun input arguments octave_value_list newargs, retval; newargs(0)=octave_value(comm->flag); newargs(1)=octave_value(x_oct); newargs(2)=octave_value(*objf); newargs(3)=octave_value(objgrd_oct); int nargout=2; // Call Octave objfun function retval=feval(fcn,newargs,nargout); // Retrieve output arguments from retval *objf=retval(0).double_value(); objgrd_oct = retval(1).array_value(); // Copy output arrays back into C type arrays for (i=0;i<n;i++) { objgrd[i]=objgrd_oct.elem(i); x[i]=x_oct.elem(i); } } /* objfunC */ static void confunC(Integer n, Integer ncnlin, Integer needc[], double x[], double conf[], double conjac[], Nag_Comm *comm) { #define CONJAC(I,J) conjac[(I-1)*n + J - 1] // Retrieve Octave confun handle struct fcnptrs {octave_function *obj, *con;} *fcns; fcns = (struct fcnptrs *) comm->p; octave_function *fcn = (octave_function *) fcns->con; // Copy C arrays into the Octave type arrays and matrices dim_vector dv (1); dv(0) = ncnlin; dim_vector dv2 (1); dv2(0) = n; NDArray needc_oct(dv), conf_oct(dv), x_oct(dv2); Matrix conjac_oct(ncnlin,n); octave_idx_type i,j; for (i=0;i<ncnlin;i++) { needc_oct.elem(i) = needc[i]; conf_oct.elem(i) = conf[i]; for (j=0;j<n;j++) { x_oct.elem(j) = x[j]; conjac_oct.elem(i,j) = CONJAC(i+1,j+1); } } // Assign confun input arguments octave_value_list newargs, retval; newargs(0)=octave_value(comm->flag); newargs(1)=octave_value(ncnlin); newargs(2)=octave_value(n); newargs(3)=octave_value(needc_oct); newargs(4)=octave_value(x_oct); newargs(5)=octave_value(conjac_oct); newargs(6)=octave_value(comm->first); int nargout=2; // Call Octave confun function retval=feval(fcn,newargs,nargout); // Retrieve output arguments from retval conf_oct=retval(0).array_value(); conjac_oct = retval(1).matrix_value(); // Copy output arrays and matrices back into C type arrays for (i=0;i<ncnlin;i++) { needc[i] = needc_oct.elem(i); conf[i] = conf_oct.elem(i); for (j=0;j<n;j++) { x[j]=x_oct.elem(j); CONJAC(i+1,j+1) = conjac_oct.elem(i,j); } } } /* confunC */
Points to note about this code (other than in the previous code):
function [objf,objgrd]=objfun(mode,x,objf,objgrd) % Routine to evaluate objective function and its 1st derivatives. if mode == 0 || mode == 2 objf = x(1) * x(4) * (x(1) + x(2) + x(3)) + x(3); end if mode == 2 objgrd(1) = x(4) * (2.0*x(1) + x(2) + x(3)); objgrd(2) = x(1) * x(4); objgrd(3) = x(1) * x(4) + 1.0; objgrd(4) = x(1) * (x(1) + x(2) + x(3)); end endfunction function [c, cjac] = confun(mode, ncnln, n, needc, x, cjac, nstate) % Routine to evaluate the nonlinear constraints and their 1st derivatives. % Function Body if nstate % First call to confun. Set all Jacobian elements to zero. cjac = zeros(ncnln,n); end if needc(1) > 0 if mode == 0 || mode == 2 c(1) = x(1) * x(1) + x(2) * x(2) + x(3) * x(3) + x(4) * x(4); end if mode == 2 cjac(1,1) = x(1) * 2.0; cjac(1,2) = x(2) * 2.0; cjac(1,3) = x(3) * 2.0; cjac(1,4) = x(4) * 2.0; end end if needc(2) > 0 if mode == 0 || mode == 2 c(2) = x(1) * x(2) * x(3) * x(4); end if mode == 2 cjac(2,1) = x(2) * x(3) * x(4); cjac(2,2) = x(1) * x(3) * x(4); cjac(2,3) = x(1) * x(2) * x(4); cjac(2,4) = x(1) * x(2) * x(3); end end endfunction
% mkoctfile nag_opt2.cc -L/opt/NAG/cll6a08dg/lib -lnagc_nag -I/opt/NAG/cll6a08dg/includewhere:
octave:1> a = [1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0]; octave:2> bl = [1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,-1.0E+25,-1.0E+25,25.0]; octave:3> bu = [5.0,5.0,5.0,5.0,20.0,40.0,1.0E+25]; octave:4> x = [1.0,5.0,5.0,1.0]; octave:5> [objf,objgrd,ifail] = nag_opt2(4,1,2,a,4,bl,bu,@objfun,@confun,x)
Parameters to e04ucc -------------------- Number of variables........... 4 Linear constraints............ 1 Nonlinear constraints......... 2 start................... Nag_Cold step_limit.............. 2.00e+00 machine precision....... 1.11e-16 lin_feas_tol............ 1.05e-08 nonlin_feas_tol......... 1.05e-08 optim_tol............... 3.26e-12 linesearch_tol.......... 9.00e-01 crash_tol............... 1.00e-02 f_prec.................. 4.37e-15 inf_bound............... 1.00e+20 inf_step................ 1.00e+20 max_iter................ 50 minor_max_iter.......... 50 hessian................. Nag_FALSE f_diff_int.............. Automatic c_diff_int.............. Automatic obj_deriv............... Nag_TRUE con_deriv............... Nag_TRUE verify_grad....... Nag_SimpleCheck print_deriv............ Nag_D_Full print_level......... Nag_Soln_Iter minor_print_level..... Nag_NoPrint outfile................. stdout Verification of the objective gradients. ---------------------------------------- All objective gradient elements have been set. Simple Check: The objective gradient seems to be ok. Directional derivative of the objective 8.15250000e-01 Difference approximation 8.15249734e-01 Verification of the constraint gradients. ----------------------------------------- All constraint gradient elements have been set. Simple Check: The Jacobian seems to be ok. The largest relative error was 2.29e-07 in constraint 2 Maj Mnr Step Merit function Violtn Norm Gz Cond Hz 0 4 0.0e+00 1.738281e+01 1.2e+01 7.1e-01 1.0e+00 1 1 1.0e+00 1.703169e+01 1.9e+00 4.6e-02 1.0e+00 2 1 1.0e+00 1.701442e+01 8.8e-02 2.1e-02 1.0e+00 3 1 1.0e+00 1.701402e+01 5.4e-04 3.1e-04 1.0e+00 4 1 1.0e+00 1.701402e+01 9.9e-08 7.0e-06 1.0e+00 5 1 1.0e+00 1.701402e+01 4.6e-11 1.1e-08 1.0e+00 Exit from NP problem after 5 major iterations, 9 minor iterations. Varbl State Value Lower Bound Upper Bound Lagr Mult Residual V 1 LL 1.00000e+00 1.00000e+00 5.00000e+00 1.0879e+00 0.0000e+00 V 2 FR 4.74300e+00 1.00000e+00 5.00000e+00 0.0000e+00 2.5700e-01 V 3 FR 3.82115e+00 1.00000e+00 5.00000e+00 0.0000e+00 1.1789e+00 V 4 FR 1.37941e+00 1.00000e+00 5.00000e+00 0.0000e+00 3.7941e-01 L Con State Value Lower Bound Upper Bound Lagr Mult Residual L 1 FR 1.09436e+01 None 2.00000e+01 0.0000e+00 9.0564e+00 N Con State Value Lower Bound Upper Bound Lagr Mult Residual N 1 UL 4.00000e+01 None 4.00000e+01 -1.6147e-01 -3.5264e-11 N 2 LL 2.50000e+01 2.50000e+01 None 5.5229e-01 -2.8791e-11 Optimal solution found. Final objective value = 1.7014017e+01 objf = 17.014 objgrd = 14.5723 1.3794 2.3794 9.5641 ifail = 0